This same concept can be applied with colors. The ‘tantric’ color of Mercury is black as Rahu is opposite it in the kalachakra. The ‘tantric’ color of the Sun is Saffron as Venus is opposite. The color opposite the planet will remove the negativity of the planet. The sanyasin wears saffron to be free of the negativities of Venus. White removes the negativities of Jupiter and yellow/gold removes the negativities of Moon. The color blue considered cooling by Ayurveda removes the negativities of hot planet Mars. The color red considered hot removes the negativities of the cold planet Saturn. The bright colors of Sun remove the negativity of Venus and the Colors of Nature remove the negativities of Rahu. Rahu is a planet causing anxiety. The greens and earth tones of Mercury heal the mind, nervous system and prana that have been damaged by Rahu. Rahu rules cities and stress, it is in the cities and stressful workplaces that we see the most anxiety problems arising in. In these places, there is a lack of nature and the natural colors of earth tones. In Ayurveda, it is believed that when you eat your pranic body opens up and absorbs the elements in your environment. So eating with evil people increases evil in you, eating with sages will increase your desire for knowledge. Eating in a busy city street is like eating Rahu himself, even if the food is sattvic, it has been destroyed by the environment you are absorbing as you eat. A remedy for anxiety caused by Rahu is take meals in a green place like a park or garden. By opening to the prana of nature and the colors of Mercury Rahu’s negativity is removed. This can be so affective people with anxiety do not need medication after some time. All the colors can be used in this way.
Note it is important to remember that this kalachakra color system is used in the environment or outside of puja. When you do puja you invoke the planet or deities of the colors you are wearing.
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