viernes, 6 de marzo de 2015


Planetary Tips

March 1st to March 31st 2015

by Vachaspati Christina Collins

March begins with the Sun in Aquarius, Mars Venus and Ketu in Pisces with the exalted Venus and Ketu in almost exact degree at 16:12 and 16:18 respectively. Moon in Gemini Punarvasu and Jupiter retrograde and exalted sets the Jupiter dasa (the ruler of Punarvasu) as the dasa to begin the month for the USA. Rahu continues in Virgo and Saturn in Scorpio and Mercury in direct motion in Capricorn. Mercury will be travelling through 3 signs this month, Capricorn, Aquarius and into Pisces. We will see our next set of eclipses this month, including a new Moon total eclipse of the Sun on the 20th.

Planetary Tips March 2015 Chart One

March 2 the moon will move into its own sign of Cancer, conjuct Jupiter forming Hamsa Yoga. This will continue on March 3rd.

March 6 the full moon in Leo

March 7 the moon will move to Virgo to conjunct Rahu. Because this conjunction is exact in degree when the sun is still transiting in Aquarius (making the Moon and Sun in the unfavorable 6/8 dustana axis where the Sun is 6th from the Moon and the Moon is 8th from the Sun), along with the close conjunction of Mars only a couple of degrees away and aspecting the moon forming the unfavorable Chandra Mangala yoga, I would suggest that no important decisions be made this day. Also, as it is a Saturday in the USA I would vote for staying home and having a status quo type of weekend. Avoid boating or water related events and hiking this day.

Planetary Tips March 2015 Chart Two

March 8 this also is a difficult day for recreation and danger of earthquakes increases (because Mars aspects Rahu who acts like Saturn, in an Earth sign and Mercury is unstable when changing signs, and Mercury rules Virgo where Rahu is posited. Mercury becomes sandi at 2:40:31 am in 29 degrees of Capricorn in Dhanishta (a Nakshatra belonging to Mars) and Mars will be in Revati (a Nakshatra belonging to Mercury). Mercury and Mars are inimical to each other. Mercury then changes into Aquarius at 20:00:54 the same day. Notice also, that when this happens the Virgo moon will be sandi at 29°49. Then, at 20:21:07, 20 minutes later the Moon moves into zero Libra and into Papa Ketari yoga (hemmed between the two malefics Rahu and Saturn. So this is a weekend to not rush around, and to take it easy.

Planetary Tips March 2015 Chart Three

March 9, 10 and the early morning of the 11th the Moon will be between Rahu and Ketu.

March 11 Venus becomes sandi at 11:50:21 am as it prepares to leave exaltation in Pisces. Also this day the Moon will move into debilitation in Scorpio, and Sadi Sati in conjunction with Saturn. The aspect of Jupiter in exaltation cancels the debilitation, but this is still a difficult situation for the Moon, and the mind of people so don’t sign important documents this day.

March 12 Venus moves to Aries.

March 13 Sun reaches the end of Aquarius at 29°00.

March 14 Sun moves to Pisces receiving the aspect of Jupiter in exaltation in Cancer. Also, Saturn will go retrograde in Scorpio.

Planetary Tips March 2015 Chart Four

March 20 total solar eclipse(new moon), and vernal equinox.

Planetary Tips March 2015 Chart Five

Total eclipse of the Sun in Pisces will be total in Norway and the Faroe islands. It will be partial in other locations. In the USA the Sun and moon are at 5:23 and Ketu is at 15°53 – when they are all aligned in the same degree is when the observed eclipse looks total. DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE SUN – THERE ARE SPECIAL DEVICES YOU AN MAKE OR BUY THAT ALLOW YOU TO LOOK AT AN ECLIPSE. YOU CAN BURN YOUR EYES AND GO BLIND IF YOU LOOK AT AN ECLIPSE DIRECTLY. Also it is considered wise for women who are pregnant to stay inside during an eclipse.

March 22 Mars will move to 29 degrees as it begins to move into its own sign of Aries. Also the Moon will make a conjunction with Venus in Aries.

Planetary Tips March 2015 Chart Six

March 23 Mars moves to its own sign of Aries where it will aspect Jupiter and Saturn until May. This will give people more energy, and create problems with water, like floods or water disasters. Mars will transit with Venus all month which is passionate about loved ones, ideas and your personal passions.

Planetary Tips March 2015 Chart Seven

March 27 Mercury goes sandi at 29 Aquarius

March 28 Mercury moves to debilitation in Pisces, which is cancelled by the aspect of exalted Jupiter.

Planetary Tips March 2015 Eclipse

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