lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2015


Cancellation of Doshas (Defects) in Match Making

Cancellation of Doshas
As per Vedic or Hindu astrology horoscopes of the boy and girl before marriage are matched for knowing the compatibility between them. There are certain conditions for cancelation of various doshas…

The match making system as per Vedic astrology is also called Guna Milaan which means ‘Comparison of Qualities’. In this system there are eight factors each carrying different points. Total points are 36, a score of 20 or more gives a green signal for marriage alliance.

Under certain conditions each of these dosha stands cancelled as described here:

Varna: This guna carries a score of 1 point. If the Varna is not matching this causes a slight dosha. This dosha stands cancelled if one or more out of the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) The Rashi (Moon sign) lord of both the partners is either a common planet (this happens when both have the same Rashi) or the lords are friend to each other.

(2) The navamsha ascendant lord of both partners is either a common planet or mutual friends.

(3) The Varna of the boy is superior to that of the girl.

Free Horoscope Matching

Vashya: This guna carries 2 points. If the Vashya is not matching this causes a slight dosha. This dosha stands cancelled if one or more out of the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) The Rashi (Moon sign) lord of both the partners is either a common planet (this happens when both have the same Rashi) or the lords are friend to each other.

(2) The navamsha ascendant lord of both partners is either a common planet or mutual friends.

(3) The Yoni is fully matching

Tara: This guna carries 3 points. If the Tara is not matching this causes a slight dosha. This dosha stands cancelled if one or more out of the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) The Rashi (Moon sign) lord of both the partners is either a common planet (this happens when both have the same Rashi) or the lords are friend to each other.

(2) The navamsha ascendant lord of both the partners is either a common planet or mutual friends.

Yoni: This guna carries 4 points. The Yoni dosha is considered cancelled if one or more of the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) The Rashi (Moon sign) lord of both the partners is either a common planet (this happens when both have the same Rashi) or the lords are friend to each other.

(2) The navamsha ascendant lord of both partners is either a common planet or mutual friends.

(3) There is no Bhakootdosha.

(4) There is at least a score of 1 for the Vashyaguna.

Greha Maitri: This guna carries 5 points. The dosha due to its mismatch stands cancelled if one or more of the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) The navamsha ascendant lord of both partners is either a common planet or mutual friends.

(2) If both the partners have different Rashi but they have a common constellation.

(3) There is no Bhakootdosha.

Gana: This guna carries 6 points. If Gana is not matching then it is considered as a Mahadosha (Major defect) this dosha is however considered cancelled if one or more out of the following conditions are met:

(1) If the figure obtained on counting the birth constellation of the girl from that of the boy is 14 or more.

(2) If the Rashi lord of both the partners is either a common planet or mutual friends.

(3) If the navamsha ascendant lord of both the partners is either a common planet or mutual friends.

(4) There is no Bhakootdosha.

(5) Both the partners have same Rashi, but different constellation.

Bhakoot: This guna carries 7 points. If this guna is not matching then it is considered as a Mahadosha (Major defect).However, this dosha is considered cancelled if one or more of the following conditions are satisfied.

(1) If the Rashi lord and navamsha ascendant lord of both the partners is either a common planet or mutual friends.

(2) The Naadiguna is matching.

Naadi: This guna carries 8 points.If this guna is not matching then it is considered as a Mahadosha (Major defect)and thedoshacaused due to its mismatch is considered cancelled if one or more of the following conditions are satisfied.

(1) Both have same Rashi but different constellations.

(2) Both have same constellation but different Rashi.

(3) Both have same birth constellation but different Charans (parts).

Article by: JyotirvidPawan Kumar - See more at:

domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015


En horoscopo el horoscopo carta del novio y la novia se empareja con el fin de averiguar su nivel de compatibilidad. Se cree que un juego de 18 años y por encima de la Guna de 36 total es importante para cualquier matrimonio. Sin embargo uno de lo Koot más importantes en la adecuación de Horóscopo es Bhakoot Dosha o Rashikoot. Su importancia se puede tomar el hecho de que tiene 7 puntos que es la segunda más a Nadi dosha que tiene 8 puntos. Por lo tanto no se puede ignorar la importancia de la Bhakoot.
Hay tres tipos de Bhakoot
2-12 (Dwitiya Dwadash Bhakoot)
9-5 (Navpancham Bhakoot) y
6-8 (Shadashtak Bhakoot)
Bhakoot o Rashikoot es las disposiciones de Rashi de rashi de la novia y el novio de uno Rashi a otro.
Las siguientes combinaciones son posibles.
1/1, 1/7, 2/12, 3/11,4/10, 5/9 y 6/8
Además estas combinaciones son bifurcadas en favorables y desfavorables según se indica a continuación:
Propicio (bhakoot triste): 1/1, 1/7, 3/11, 4/10
Desfavorable (Dushta bhakoot): 2/12, 5/9, 6/8
Si el Rashi de la novia y el novio está en la posición del 2/12, 5/9 o 6/8 del uno al otro, entonces la puntuación de Bhakoot dado es 0 (cero) de 7 puntos, que forma el Dosha del Bhakoot. Por otro lado si las disposiciones respectivas rashi es 1/1, 1/7, 3/11 o 4/10, luego completos 7 puntos se dan durante la Guna Milán y no hay ningún dosha.
Mesa para Bhakoot Guna
Signo deAriTauGemaPuedeLeoVirLibSCOSAGCapAquPis
Esta tabla se da en todos los libros relacionados con el horóscopo que empareja. La tabla Bhakoot también se utiliza en software para la coincidencia de propósitos. La tabla anterior no tiene en referencia de cualquier factor que se encarga de la cancelación de Bhakoot Dosha.
6-8 posiciones de Rashi de novia y novio, muerte enfermizo nativas después del matrimonio, resultados de posición 9-5 en problemas relacionados con la enfermedad del nativo y también causaría problemas de progenie y la posición de 2-12 la pobreza, sufren debido a la mala gestión financiera, pérdida de trabajo, problemas de salud, deudas etc.. El 6-8 o Shadashtaka relacionados con la longevidad, lesiones y enfermedades graves. Igual que Aries y Virgo, Escorpio y Piscis forman el dosha de bhakoot 6-8. El pancham Nav o el Bhakoot de 9-5 directo a la pareja de placer físico. La vinculación de amor será falta y también obstaculizará el nacimiento de los niños. El ejemplo de 9-5 bhakoot dosha son Leo y Sagitario, Tauro y Virgo. Dwirdwadash o 2-12 Bhakoot provocaría un gasto excesivo y reducir la posición financiera de la pareja a la pobreza. El ejemplo de Bhakoot de 2-12 son Escorpio y Sagitario y Leo y Virgo. Una cosa importante a destacar es que si los señores de Rashi son similares como Capricornio y acuario entonces a pesar de formar un 2-12 Bhakoot dosha es cancelada como Señor de ambos rashi es Saturno. Estos son algunos factores que cancelación Bhakoot dosha. Los detalles de cómo obtiene cancelado Bhakoot dosha se discuten a continuación:
 Cancelación o Parihar de Bhakoot Dosha
  1. Bhakoot Dosha es cancelado si Rashi señores son los mismos de ambos horóscopos, dosh Bhakut se dice que ser anulado. La Bhakutdosh de 6-8 se dice que ser anulada en el caso de Aries-Escorpio, Tauro-Libra y bhakoot 2-12 se cancela para Capricornio-acuario ya que todos tienen el mismo Rashi señores.
  2. Otra condición que elimina el Dosha del Bhakoot es que Rashi señores son amables y no perjudicial para ellos.
  3. Bhakoot dosha en fases de la luna pero amigos en la Navamsha.
  4. Si ambos caen en el mismo Navamsha.
Bhakoot es el 2 º más importante Koot Ashtkoot Guna Milán o coincidencia de Horóscopo y tener Bhakoot Dosha puede ser malo como lo sugiere problemas en el frente civil. Sin embargo hay remedios Puja para dosha Bhakoot que puede cancelar Bhakoot Dosha y el nativo puede llevar una vida muy feliz y normal.


Bhakoot Dosha in Kundli Matching

In Horoscope Matching the Horoscope chart of the groom and the bride is matched so as to find out their compatibility level. It is believed that a matching of 18 and above Guna out of total 36 is important for any marriage. However one of the most important Koot in horoscope matching is Bhakoot Dosha or Rashikoot. Its importance can be taken from the fact that it has 7 points which is second most to Nadi dosha which has 8 points. Therefore the importance of Bhakoot cannot be ignored.
There are three types of Bhakoot
2-12 (Dwitiya Dwadash Bhakoot)
9-5 (Navpancham Bhakoot) and
6-8 (Shadashtak Bhakoot)
Bhakoot or Rashikoot is the Rashi dispositions of the rashi of the bride and the bridegroom from one Rashi to another.
The following combinations are possible.
1/1, 1/7, 2/12, 3/11,4/10, 5/9 and 6/8
Further these combinations are bifurcated into auspicious and inauspicious as given below:
Auspicious (Sad bhakoot): 1/1, 1/7, 3/11, 4/10
Inauspicious (Dushta bhakoot) : 2/12, 5/9, 6/8
If the Rashi of the bride and groom are in the position of 2/12, 5/9 or 6/8 from each other, then the Bhakoot score given is 0 (zero) out of 7 points, which forms the Bhakoot Dosha. On the other hand if the respective rashi dispositions is 1/1, 1/7, 3/11 or 4/10, then full 7 points are given during Guna Milan and there is no dosha.
Table for Bhakoot Guna
This table is given in all books related to Horoscope Matching. The above Bhakoot table is also used in software for matching purposes. The above table does not take in reference any factor that is responsible for the cancellation of Bhakoot Dosha.
6-8 Rashi positions of bride and bridegroom from each other, results in death / sickly native after marriage, 9-5 position results in problems related to sickness of native and also progeny problems and 2-12 position would cause poverty, suffering due to financial mismanagement, loss of job , health problems, debts etc.  The 6-8 or Shadashtaka related to longevity, injury and serious illness. Like Aries and Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces form the 6-8 bhakoot dosha. The Nav pancham or the 9-5 Bhakoot would direct the couple away from physical pleasure. The love bonding will be missing and also it will hamper the birth of children. The example of 9-5 bhakoot dosha are Leo and Sagittarius, Taurus and Virgo. Dwirdwadash or 2-12 Bhakoot would cause excessive expenditure and reducing the couple’s financial position to poverty. The example of 2-12 Bhakoot are Scorpio and Sagittarius, and also Leo and Virgo.  One important thing to note is that if the Rashi lords are similar like Capricorn and Aquarius then despite it forming a 2-12 Bhakoot dosha it gets cancelled as lord of both rashi is Saturn. These are some factors which cancel Bhakoot dosha. The details of how Bhakoot dosha gets cancelled are discussed below:
 Cancellation or Parihar of Bhakoot Dosha
  1. Bhakoot Dosha gets cancelled If Rashi lords are same of both horoscopes, Bhakut dosh is said to be nullified. The 6-8 Bhakutdosh is said to be nullified in case of Aries-Scorpio, Taurus-Libra and 2-12 bhakoot is cancelled for Capricorn-Aquarius as all have same Rashi lords.
  2. Another condition that removes the Bhakoot Dosha is that Rashi lords are friendly and not inimical to each other.
  3. Bhakoot dosha in Moon chart but  friends in Navamsha.
  4. If both fall in the same Navamsha.
Bhakoot is the 2nd most important Koot in Ashtkoot Guna Milan or Horoscope Matching and having Bhakoot Dosha can be bad as it strongly suggest problems on the marital front. However there are Puja remedies for Bhakoot dosha which can cancel Bhakoot Dosha and the native can lead a very happy and normal life.
Order a Paid Report on Bhakoot Dosha and know the appropriate remedies for free. Know your married compatibility in detail and how you can improve things astrologically. Select “Add to Cart” to Get the Detailed “Horoscope Matching Kundali Milan” Report .
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