miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2013


Tránsitos de Rahu y Ketu 2013-2014

Los tránsitos (gochara) representan la posición exacta de los planetas en el cielo en un momento determinado.  El tránsito de un planeta está directamente relacionado con el carácter y la formación de la personalidad en todos nosotros. Los tránsitos también van a influenciar los acontecimientos en la vida de una persona sobretodo en un corto y mediano plazo.
El tránsito de Rahu en Libra y Ketu en Aries comenzó este 14 de enero del 2013 e influenciara a todos los signos del zodiaco tanto con efectos positivos como negativos.
Rahu, Ketu, Saturno, y Júpiter, son los planetas de movimiento más lento por lo cual sus influencias serán claramente visibles, teniendo fuertes efectos en todos los SIGNOS LUNARES. Los planetas Rahu y Ketu se mueven de signo en signo cada 18 meses en sentido contrario al de las agujas del reloj, completando su recorrido total del zodiaco en 18 años.  Rahu es el planeta que está directamente asociado a nuestro karma y Ketu representa la liberación y espiritualidad.

El impacto de tránsito de Rahu/Ketu en cada signo será el siguiente:


Tu confianza aumentará a medida que avance este año. Realizaras grandes esfuerzos por mantener mejores relaciones con tu pareja, compañeros y amigos, pero puede ser que tus esfuerzos no traigan los resultados anhelados.  Por favor evitar completamente situaciones arriesgadas es el mejor consejo para este periodo.


Vas a aprovechar todo este periodo para desplegar toda tu inteligencia. Momento perfecto para planear y poner en práctica nuevas estrategias para los negocios. Económicamente, este periodo va a ser excelente. Obtendras ganancias de muchas fuentes y podras además ser capaz de hacer grandes inversiones. En este periodo serás bendecido con equilibrio tanto en tu vida doméstica como profesional. Buen periodo para participar en licitaciones y concursos.


Se predicen pérdidas repentinas de dinero, disputas en el lugar de trabajo y problemas de salud. Ten en consideración que las pérdidas de dinero sólo pueden ocurrir debido a tus decisiones incorrectas. Analiza todas las situaciones antes de tomar cualquier decisión. Tendrás bajas ganancias y será difícil conseguir créditos y préstamos. Ten especial cuidado en  tu salud. Recomendamos estar cauteloso sobre la dieta especialmente porque podrías sufrir algún desorden estomacal.


Problemas tales  como la tos, resfriados, asma, y dolores reumáticos seguirán molestándole hasta el final. Este es un período de dificultades. Se requiere tener cuidado en tu salud así como también tu actitud ante la vida. Podrías perder la confianza en ti mismo y comenzar a vivir la vida basada en la opinión del otro. Comienzos de cualquier tipo de  proyecto exigirán gran trabajo. Conducir con precaución.


Este periodo es muy favorable para fortalecer la seguridad y lograr estabilidad, sobretodo en el plano profesional. Recibirá un ascenso,  y si tú eres una persona de negocios, es muy probable que una fuerte energía expansiva este presente para ti. Estaras respaldado por personas de poder y liderazgo. Recibiras muchas responsabilidades tanto en tu casa como en el trabajo las cuales llevarás con éxito.  Durante este tiempo debes estar alerta, ya que podrías encontrar una persona absolutamente compatible contigo en el trabajo. Es posible que tus hermanos puedan afrontar algunos problemas, aun así tu relación con ellos va a ser muy positiva.


Perdida de alguna fuente de ingreso, lo cual puede afectar el estado de ánimo. Este no es un momento favorable para realizar grandes cambios, por lo cual se aconseja evitar cualquier cambio fuerte en su rutina diaria y tampoco comenzar ninguna clase de trabajo nuevo. Debes estar precavido y dejar que tu vida siga tal como la has estado llevando. Las dudas e inseguridades en cuanto a la familia y seres queridos perturbaran algunos buenos momentos de tu vida.


Evitar hablar demás y controlar tu temperamento son buenos consejos para este periodo. Evite relaciones ilícitas. Ten cuidado con documentos falsos. Puedes afrontar algunos problemas legales innecesarios. Los gastos imprevistos pueden darse con más frecuencia. Un periodo de arduo trabajo y esfuerzo es el que se avecina. No es un periodo favorable para cambiar de negocio o trabajo. Tienes que buscar pequeñas oportunidades y hacer lo mejor en ellas. Tus enemigos podrían preocuparte.


Esto no es un buen periodo para ti. Personas de tu plena  confianza pueden llegar a  decepcionarte. Trata de mantener lejos de tu mente pensamientos negativos ya que pueden  afectar tus emociones. Periodo de ansiedad mental que perturbara tu paz mental. Como esta etapa no será la mejor en varios aspectos, evitar invertir dinero en situaciones que implican cualquier tipo de riesgo. Viajes pueden causar algún tipo de angustias e interferir con la buena salud de su familia. Es mejor evitarlos.


Las relaciones públicas, la fama y el reconocimiento estarán cerca de ti y  te mantendrán plenamente feliz. Serás muy atractivo durante todo este período. Esto ocurrirá no sólo con tu familia sino también en tu trabajo y en relaciones de pareja. Un periodo de transformación personal. Vas a recibir importantes estímulos a nivel profesional. Experimentaras bellas sensaciones en tu vida amorosa. Podrás ser vencedor en todas las batallas de tu vida durante este tiempo. Tus enemigos verán aplacada su fuerza por tu propio carisma. Todas tus relaciones permanecerán bien como siempre, pero podrías afrontar algunas dificultades en relación a tus hijos.


Rahu se ubica en tu casa 10 desde la Luna. Aparte de algunos temas de salud menores, este período te dará el regalo del éxito en casi todo. Lograras impresionar a tus mayores por su trabajo y dedicación. Alcanzarás nuevas alturas en tu carrera y lo mejor de todo es que ocurrirá en el momento correcto para ti. Serás inteligente para equilibrar tanto tu vida personal como profesional. Tus socios en los negocios te beneficiarán. Serás exitoso en la búsqueda de nuevas fuentes de ganancias y podrás ampliar tu círculo. La única cosa que podría alterar tu tranquilidad es tu salud. Así que ten cuidado con tu salud.


Este período será lleno de  equilibrio en todas las esferas de tu vida. Tu mente se enfocara en tus objetivos y debido a esto pondrás tu energía al 100% para conseguir esos objetivos. Hay algunas posibilidades que seas controlado excesivamente por tu ego. En tal caso, atraerás malos comentarios para ti. Debes tratar a las personas con respeto y amor. Esta es la única manera de evitar de no generar enemigos en tu vida.


Ignorar lo importante de la salud y el autocuidado puede ser algo muy dañino para ti en esta época. Tu salud no se ve muy bien aspectada en este periodo. Debes mantener armonía y una actitud positiva ante la vida. Las reacciones de tus actos llegaran a afectarte en algún momento de este periodo. Sobrecarga de trabajo podría conducir a una rutina estresante. Desarrolla tu trabajo con equilibrio y esa será la clave para tu éxito. Esta va a ser una etapa difícil para tus cercanos. Sin duda, este tiempo debes esforzarte para ser amoroso y respetuoso. Sigue adelante y trata de dar lo mejor para todos en tu vida y esto te proporcionará buenos resultados.

martes, 19 de febrero de 2013


Jyotiṣa Fundamentals 2nd edition available

Jyotiṣa Fundamentals 2nd edition available
All Pages
This publication is the second edition of my previous publication; ‘My Masters Words’, written in 2003. These publications come as a promise to my teacher; Pt. Sanjay Rāth, who wanted the tradition of Jyotiṣa to be known and recognized in India as well as abroad.
Jyotisa Fundamentals 2nd ed. cover
With the first edition being sold out and largely unavailable, this 2nd edition has been publshed in a hard-cover version, in a larger binding and spanning 386 pages.
As solicited by the readers, the book in its second edition has been expanded to include much more information on Pañcāñga. Herein each limb of the Pañcāñga has been elaborated upon based on the work and teachings of Pt. Sanjay Rāth. Every section of the Pañcāñga chapter has been expanded upon. In sections where this authors own observations come to fore it has been clearly mentioned. However, it must be clearly mentioned that the entire knowledge existing in this book has arisen due to the teachings of my Jyotiṣa Guru Pt. Sanjay Rāth.
Initially an entire book on Pañcāñga had been planned, spanning two hundred pages in its raw form before deciding to add select portions of it to the second edition of this book. This new edition of the book has been structured to prepare students to appreciate and understand the working use of Pañcãñga in the birth chart, and sets the foundation for future releases on the topic of especially Pãñcāñga.
In subsequent chapters care has been taken to correct previous layout and scripting errors and improving language. Some charts have been removed to avoid repetition while some have been added, in select sections, to add more detail and understanding of the principles at hand.
Nine years have passed since the contents of this book first were written, and this time through learning the deeper tenants and principles of Jyotiṣa through Mahaṛṣi Parāśara Horā Śastra and Mahaṛṣi Jaimini Kṛtam Upadeśa Sutram,as taught in the tradition, certain sections of the book have been refined to suit and ease the learning of Jyotiṣa who participate in such courses or study.
The book is available for purchase through Amazon UK at: Jyotisa Fundamentals at Amazon.co.uk
In agreement with the previous publisher, Sagittarius Publications, the current edition has been published by RĀMA a part of Shri Garuda.

Ramblings on Ayanamsa

A topic which brings much doubt and tests the faith of newcomers in Jyotish is the topic of Ayanamsa. Where our western counterparts who use the tropical zodiac aren’t affected by this problem, those who use the sidereal zodiac, or a zodiac based on star positions are cast into a deep dilemma as to which ayanamsa to use. Where western sidereal astrologers are almost forced to take the plunge into learning the intricacies of the ayanamsa and thereby choose the ayanamsa they like the best, vedic astrologers are presented with a peculiar situation where faith tends to be the compelling factor in choosing ayanam

Grahana - Pata Gochara (nodal transits)

Solar and Lunar eclipses occur every six months, with both eclipses ocurring within fifteen days of each other. These two close eclipses, their time of ocurrance and the rasi/nakshatra of the luminaries during both events, are most relevant for analysis.
The analysis of eclipses adds significant relevance to the use of nodes transit in the zodiac.
Last Updated on Friday, 15 January 2010 14:23

Retrogression (vakra)

हरे राम कृष्ण॥
Published on the Srijagannath forum.
Dear Ramesh, Namaskar
This is aiming towards a more advanced understanding of retrogression. Consider this he NEXT level of understanding of the topic.
When we go deeper into retrogression we can no longer settle with simply recognizing two motions of planets, namely Direct vs. Retrograde, but must now consider THREE motions namely:
Direct - Chara (rajasic state)
Stationary - dvisvabhava (sattvic state)
Retrograde - sthira (tamasic state)


Published on the Sohamsa and Srijagannath forums.
हरे राम कृष्ण॥
Dear Nitin and group, Namaskar
dārārūḍhavaśādvadedupapadāttāmādibhāryaṁ tataḥ tattannaidhanabhātsmarākhyapadato yāvacca pāpādikam|
From the arudha of the seventh (darapada/a7) and from the arudha of the twelfth (upapada/UL) we have to find out everything about the first wife. From the eighth houses of these two arudhas we can know about the second wife. - Translation by P.S. Sastri - Uttara Kalamrita Chapter IV, sloka 40
Last Updated 


Vedic Astrology is a commonly used term for the astrological principles enunciated by the seers belonging to the Vedic faith which originated in erstwhile India. The appropriate term used for this, by the seers and practitioners, is Jyotiṣa. Because of the vastness of the field of Jyotiṣa, as well as its age some consider this to be the origin of the astrology practiced by the Zorastrians, Greeks and many others.  Just as with modern Astrology, Vedic Astrology or Jyotiṣa is a means to predict the past, present and future of any born soul or object.
Yoga tara
Pūrva Phalgunī
Uttara Phalgunī
Uttara Aṣāḍha
 Pūrva Bhadrapada
Uttara Bhadrapada
The seers enunciated the principles of Jyotiṣa in the Veda, Purāṇa, in auxiliary literature called Naḍi as well as in śāstra (sacred books of divine authority) and sūtra (manuals sometimes in coded form). There are eighteen primary seers of the Jyotiṣa Śāstra namely: Sūrya, Pitamaha (Brahmā), Manu, Nārada, Marici, Kaśyapa, Vaśiṣṭha, Parāśara, Vyāsa, Atri, Añgirāsa, Garga, Bhṛgu, Lomaśa, Chyavana, Śaunaka, Pauliśa and Yavana. These same authors are also authors of the Veda, Purāṇa and Vedānta.
The term Jyotiṣa comprises of an area greater than just the principles of interpreting orbital placements. Jyotiṣa comprises over three parts of Gaṇita (mathematics and astronomy), Saṁhita (palmistry, collective interpretation of omens, celestial and geographical events) and Horā (interpretive principles). As evident from the three parts of Jyotiṣa, whilst some aspects of Jyotiṣa can be said to be scientific in nature, clubbing the subject of Jyotiṣa under a scientific banner limits the spectrum to which it is applied and therefore it is not appropriate to consider Jyotiṣa as purely a science. Notably, most practitioners of Vedic Astrology today are mostly practicing the Horā portion of Jyotiṣa, and it is rare to find schools which teach all three portions such as Sri Jagannath Center and Devaguru Brihaspati Center.
Jyotiṣa is depicted as an organ and is said to be the eye of the Vedas, indicating that it is a means for those seeking the goal of the Vedas, namely God; the subject is a means to navigate or manoeuvre in the mundane world. At first Jyotiṣa was used as a means to plan the best time for commencing any event to ensure the best possible outcome. This is then extended to the interpretation of the birth itself as it symbolises the beginning of ones independent existence in this world, and the quality of the birth chart, and events transpiring at birth, will reveal the quality of the life that the being is about to experience.
In traditional literature, Jyotiṣa comprises the study of five planets (Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn), two luminaries (Sun and Moon) and two nodes of the Moon (north and south node) comprising a total of nine orbiting bodies called Graha. Some modern day Jyotiṣa have incorporated the use of planets beyond the orbit of Saturn but this is not accepted traditionally as only five planets are accepted to preside over the five elements of earth (solid), water (liquid), fire (energy), air (gas) and ether (space/vacuum).
The Vedic names of the Graha from the Sun to the south node are: Sūrya, Chandra, Mangala, Budha, Guru, Śukra, Śaniścara, Rāhu and Ketu. Several other Vedic names exist for the Graha to sometimes depict them in certain states or dignities, i.e. Venus is named Bhṛgu when it is strong and well placed.
Further the subject includes twelve sun-signs, which are carved out from the celestial sphere based on the principle that in the duration of the Sun’s 360 degree orbit, twelve full moons occur thus leaving twelve equal portions in a circle. The collective of the twelve sun-signs are popularly called ‘Zodiac’ as they are depicted as various animals or beings and are from the first to last: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Their Vedic names are in order: Meṣa, Vṛṣabha, Mithuna, Karkataka, Siṁha, Kanya, Thula, Vṛṣchika, Dhanuṣ, Makara, Kumbha and Mīna. Again other names of them exist to designate certain aspects of their qualities.
Table : Nakṣatra
00 - 13:20 Aries
13:20 - 26:40 Aries
26:40 Aries - 10:00 Taurus
10:00 - 23:20 Taurus
23:20 Taurus - 6:40 Gemini
6:40 - 20:00 Gemini
20:00 Gemini - 3:20 Cancer
3:20 - 16:40 Cancer
16:40 - 30:00 Cancer
00 - 13:20 Leo
Pūrva Phalgunī
13:20 - 26:40 Leo
Uttara Phalgunī
26:40 Leo - 10:00 Virgo
10:00 - 23:20 Virgo
23:20 Virgo - 6:40 Libra
6:40 - 20:00 Libra
20:00 Libra - 3:20 Scorpio
3:20 - 16:40 Scorpio
16:40 - 30:00 Scorpio
00 - 13:20 Sagittarius
Pūrva aṣāḍha
13:20 - 26:40 Sagittarius
Uttara aṣāḍha
26:40 Sagittarius - 10:00 Capricorn
10:00 - 23:20 Capricorn
23:20 Capricorn - 6:40 Aquarius
6:40 - 20:00 Aquarius
Pūrva bhadrapada
20:00 Aquarius - 3:20 Pisces
Uttara bhadrapada
3:20 - 16:40 Pisces
16:40 - 30:00 Pisces
The first sign begins 180 degrees opposite the star Chitrā which is the equivalent to the star Spica. Based on the movement of the nine graha and ascendant (lagna) at birth the birth chart is drawn. The sign where the ascendant is placed is the first house. Two methods are traditionally taught to draw the houses, i.e. one which considers the entire sign as one house thereby considering the borders of the signs to be the equivalent of the houses, whilst the other draws the houses to be fifteen degrees before and after the degree of the ascendant and similarly drawing the spans of the other houses where each house is always thirty degrees in span. This latter method is also applied to the degree of the Moon. Both methods of drawing the houses are applied yet in different contexts.
Twenty-eight constellations or Nakṣatra are the basis of the zodiac. They are based on the stars or Yogatara but do not form star-signs per say, just as the zodiac signs known as Rāśi also do not form discernable visible star-constellations of thirty degrees each.
To complete one orbit of 360 degrees around the earth, the Moon takes slightly more than twenty-seven days. Based on this and the already available Yogatara, the seers designated either twenty-seven or twenty-eight Nakṣatra. The scheme of twenty-seven ignores the Yogatara Abjijit (# 22) and divides the Nakṣatra equally across the 360 degrees. As a result each Nakṣatra spans over 13º20’. The latter includes Abhijit and maps it as an intercalary Nakṣatra between Uttara Aṣāḍha (# 21) and Śravanā (# 23) spanning from 276º40’ to 280º 54’13”.
Jyotiṣa does not solely stick to the orbital placements of the Graha, but also includes the Vedic Calendar. Herein specifically the Vedic weekday or Vāra is part of the method of interpretation, and the Vedic Astronomical literature or Siddhānta describe the means to calculate the day of the week since the beginning of the world’s existence. Notably the Vedic weekday is the equivalent to our daily used seven-day week system and is also presided over by the Grahas. Only exception is that the first day of the week is always Sunday. The days are: Sunday (Sun), Monday (Moon), Tuesday (Mars), Wednesday (Mercury), Thursday (Jupiter), Friday (Venus) and Saturday (Saturn). The link between the day of the week and the orbit of the Grahas does have a link based on the Siddhānta literature.
The weekday and four other methods of deciding the quality of time based on the astronomical placements of the Graha, make up the five-fold calendar-system known as Pañcāñga. The five parts are: Vāra (weekday), Nakṣatra (Moon’s Nakṣatra), Tithi (angular difference between the Sun and Moon), Karaṇa (half of Tithi), and Yoga (degrees of Sun and Moon added to the Nakṣatra of Puṣya).
Based on the above parts and parcels of Jyotiṣa several other mathematical points are calculated such as: Vargas (divisional charts), Aṣṭakavarga, Upagraha, Praharapati, Yamapati, Yamārdhapati, Dandapati, Kāla, Horā, Aruḍha, Varṇada, Viśeṣa Lagna, and many more special points of analysis are drawn for the Jyotiṣa practitioner to discern the life of the individual and make predictions.
Mention of Jyotiṣa is extensive in the Veda, wherein mention of the Navagraha, or nine orbital bodies used in Jyotiṣa, is mentioned, as well as the names of the seven, eight and twelve forms of the Sun as the sun-signs were gradually created. In addition extensive mention of the Nakṣatra (constellations) finds mention. More specific mention and reference to the principles (Śāstra) of Jyotiṣa exists in the Purāṇas of Agni, Garuḍa and Nāraḍa, whereas the other Purāṇa deal more with other portions such as that of the Nakṣatra, Rāśi and their effects. In the Veda and Purāṇa also specifications as to how to overcome negative positions of the orbital bodies are given. This brings the subjects of Mantra (meditation and recitation), Tantra (gemology, colour therapy and spiritual rites) and Yantra (use of celestial machines to protect, steer or trap a soul to overcome negatives) into the subject of Jyotiṣa as a means to overcome the negatives faced by any individual, and strengthen the auspicious aspects of a persons life. 
A qualified practitioner of Jyotiṣa is acquainted with the means to predict the past, present and future of an individual person, animal, organisation or object as well as advise actions and remedies to appease bad karma, as well as strengthen good karmic tendencies to help the individual soul achieve their purpose of their life.