martes, 29 de marzo de 2016


Actualmente estoy a cargo del Instituto de Astrología Védica Belia Villafañe, Dedicada a los estudios védicos y debidamente acreditada por el El Jagannath Vedic Astrology Institute en Orissa, India y la Asociación Mundial de Estudios Vedicos y  Astrología Vedica..
 Naturaleza de la Organización.  La organización es una sociedad academica multidisciplinaria, no sectaria, abierta a todas las organizaciones interesadas en los estudios vedicos, independiente de su religión, acentecedentes culturales, raciales, etnicas y no se rige por cualquier ideología.
La organizacion  servirá el siguiente propósito:  
Promover los estudios Vedicos en todas sus formas y en todos los paises.
Realizar actividades multidisciplinarias para el estudio de los Vedas y otras tradiciones antiguas de la India, incluyendo su historia, filosofía, ciencias sicógicas,  literatura, linguistica, etc.
Apoyo a estudios de diversas subespecialidades vedicas como cronología
ritualística , Filología, Astronomía, Yoga, Sánscrito y linguística.  

Fomentar la investigación en todos los aspectos de las tradiciones Vedicas y antiguas ciencias predictivas.
El Instituto, en general, llevará a cabo todas las actividades academicas y educativas para el cumplimiento de sus fines y objetivos.  Sin embargo, ahora se concentra en publicar un diario para repaso de las distintas investigaciones en estudiios vedicos comparativos.  Conferencias para divulgar la investigación en diferentes disciplinas y aspectos de los estudios antiguos de la India.  

 Complemento mis actividades como conferenciante de diversas disciplinas como el Reiki, El Magnified Healing y la Hipnosis Clínica. La astrología védica y el Tarot Astrológico y la ciencia del Ayurveda con consejería personalizada como VSA en Astrología Vedica.  . Utilizó el Tarot Astrológico para ayudar a los clientes con sus preguntas sobre Presente, Pasado y Futuro con preguntas rapidas y utilizando los 22 Arcanos Mayores de las Cartas del Tarot de Marsellas.  Estas tiradas nos ayudan a  explorar y descubrir rasgos en nuestra personalidad o situaciones particulares que influyen en nuestras vidas de forma veloz y entrando a las doce casas astrologicas que son las areas más importantes de nuestras vidas. 
Si te interesa conocer un poco más sobre mis talleres por niveles para conocer esta Ciencia,  el Tarot Astrológico o la Hipnosis Clínica, puedes consultarme llamando al 787 593-9917  o asistir a cualquiera de los talleres que anunciamos en nuestra página de Facebook.  
Nuestra dirección fisica: Marginal 805- Urb. Round Hill, Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico
o Asociación de Yoga Sivananda de Puerto Rico, Avenida Eleonor Roosevelt 274, Hato Rey, Puerto Rico, bajos.  

viernes, 18 de marzo de 2016


Nuevos descubrimientos científicos en diferentes áreas de la biología y la fisiología acercan la ciencia a milenarios conocimientos astrológicos. ¿Será real entonces la famosa premisa de que lo místico es el estado más avanzado del conocimiento científico?
"Tal vez existe un patrón en la bóveda celeste para quien desea verlo, y una vez visto, para encontrarse a sí mismo", Platón
¿Influyen o no los astros en nuestras vidas?
MADRID (Pijamasurf) - La influencia de las estrellas en nuestra vida ha sido despreciada por la ciencia, probablemente también influida por sus propias estrellas escépticas (y dogmáticas) y por la industria de la charlatanería -el horóscopo de bolsillo- que se ha generado en torno de la astrología, una 'ciencia' (que es también un arte) que en sus inicios esotéricos era solamente practicada por los iniciados. Grandes personalidades han utilizado y creído en esta disciplina -que podríamos llamar una de las ciencias más viejas y a la vez menos conocidas-: el presidente Ronald Reagan consultó un astrólogo toda su presidencia para tomar decisiones (John Dee, el astrólogo de la Reina Isabel, era parte fundamental de la estrategia del imperio); uno de los padres del método científico, Francis Bacon, reconocía la influencia de los planetas; al igual que Bacon, Isaac Newton también estudio alquimia, la ciencia hermana de la astrología, y defendió a la astrología ante el escéptico Edwar Halley; el psicólogo Carl G. Jung, sin creer necesariamente en la influencia magnética de las estrellas, veía en la astrología una disciplina intuitiva que a través de la sincronicidad y los arquetipos reflejados en las constelaciones, permite al hombre comunicarse con lo más profundo de su ser, y obtener respuestas adivinatorias de su inconsciente (en el espejo del cosmos).

Aunque existen algunos otros estudios que referiremos más adelante, esta semana se dio a conocer un estudio de la Universidad de Vanderbilt que de forma inadvertida apunta a que la astrología tiene una base científica, es decir que el momento en el que se nace influye en el comportamiento y en la fisiología de los seres vivos. En este caso se estudio a difrentes grupos de ratones genéticamente modificados los cuales fueron expuestos a inviernos o veranos artificiales al momento de su nacimiento. Los científicos notaron que no obstante que estos ratones fueran cambiados de grupo después de nacidos seguían exhibiendo características propias de la temporada en la que nacieron, es decir los ratones que nacieron en invierno artificial al ser colocados en condiciones de luz de verano, sigieron manteniendo características como un disminución de su ritmo de actividad durante el día. Esta es la primera vez que se ha observado un efecto de impronta o impresión de las condiciones en las que un animal nace. Algo que los científicos llaman "biología estacional" (o seasonal biology).

El estudio está encaminado a investigar porque las personas que nacen en los meses de invierno tienen una mayor propensión a desarrollar trastrornos neurológicos, como el trastorno afectivo estacional.

"Lo que es particularemente notable de estos resultados es el hecho de que los efectos de impronta afectan tanto el comportamiento de los animales como el ciclo neuronal del reloj biológico maestro de su cerebro", sostienen desde la Universidad de Vanderbilt.

En el caso de ratones nacidos en los equinoccios se observaron efectos correspondientes intermedios que van acorde a lo observado.

Ahora bien, este estudio ha generado versiones encontradas; aclamado por los astrólogos como la prueba de que ésta disciplina tiene bases científicas, y por el mainstream como sólo una prueba de que las condiciones de luz afectan la biología y la personalidad de los mamíferos. Analizando el estudio vemos que por una parte indica que el momento de nacimiento -no necesariamente la posición de los planetas (pero si la posición de nuestro planeta)- afecta la personalidad y la biología de un bebé de tal forma que genera una impronta que lo acompaña durante su vida (los ratones en su maduración mantenían características impresas en su nacimiento). Los científicos creen que la impronta se da ya que la luz afecta el desarrollo de algunas partes del cerebro en su estapa de gestación, lo que puede tener efectos duraderos.

De existir un efecto de los planetas ¿cómo se daría desde la física? El Dr. Percy Seymour, miembro de la Royal Astronomical Societey, cree que sí existe un efecto físico ocasionado por la posición de los planetas en el nacimiento de una persona, esto es una influencia del campo magnético del Sol y de algunos planetas en el de la Tierra, en realidad una red de interacción entre los diversos planetas afectando los campos magnéticos de cada uno. Seymour en este artículo cita una serie de pruebas de cómo los campos magnéticos, de Jupiter y Saturno, por ejemplo, afectan los ciclos solares, o el campo magnético de la Luna afecta el de la Tierra (algo que resulta evidente si observamos las mareas, los ciclos menstruales y de agricultura).Las variaciones en el campo magnético de la Tierra, se ha demostrado, tienen efectos tan diversos como en la intensidad de los sueños hasta en las fluctuaciones del mercado de valores.

Lo que plantea Seymour es una versión sofisticada de la música de l...
, donde la armonía -la gravedad, la posición, la masa, y campo magnético- de cada cuerpo celeste forman parte de la gran sinfonía del universo.

Seymour cree que el feto en el vientre materno recibe señales magnéticas a través de las células de su sistema nervioso, las cuales actúan como antena, e incluso el momento de nacimiento es detonado por esta influencia magnética. A lo largo de su vida una persona mantendría sus bioritmos y ciclos celulares conforme a esta impronta regulada por la la influencia de ciertos planetas.

La astrología tradicionalmente explica los efectos de los cuerpos celestes en el cuerpo humano bajo un concepto de espejo: "como arriba, es abajo" ( urbi et orbi) reza la máxima hermética. Esto sugiere que el diseño del universo obedece a ciclos fractales, en el microcosmos y en el macrocosmos, el hombre es semejanza del universo. En este sentido el zodiaco sería un código matemático animado de forma intuitiva y simbólica para reflejar estos procesos que lleva el universo y nuestro sistema solar con sus características particulares.Clave a este entendimiento es la concepción holística de un sistema, en el que cada parte influye a todas las demás con diferencias de magnitud, como puede ser la cercanía de un planeta o su tamaño e intensidad electromagnética. ¿Las estrellas: un collar de Indra donde cada perla no sólo refleja a cada otra perla sino cada uno de los reflejos que se intersectan en la madeja?

Es curioso que las personas que nacen en los meses de invierno tienen más riesgo de tener la llamada depresión invernal, esto corresponde a Capricornio, el temperamento melancólico saturnino, un hecho que, aunque aislado, parece mostrar cierta sabiduría intrínseca en los planos zodiacales.

Por otra parte es interesante considerar que existen diversos sistemas astrológicos, como el chino y el maya, además del babilónico, lo cual parece indicar que esta es una ciencia complicada, que requiere un profundo entendimiento y una maestría más allá del horóscopo en la caja del cereal: que en un futuro tal vez requeriría aliarse de nuevo con la astronomía -como la alquimia con la química para transmutar el cuerpo- para obtener mayor precisión, para conocer las verdaderas interacciones entre los campos magnéticos (por ejemplo, detalles que podrían no ser insignificantes, como el hecho de que cada 8 minutos se abre un portal magnético entre la Tierra y el Sol, a través del cual penetran toneladas de partículas energéticas a través de la magnetósefra ¿Podría esto afectar la impronta de una persona según el minuto en el que nace? Y ¿qué tanto sabemos de los efectos físicos de las partículas de alta energía del Sol, las cuales causan auroras boreales, pero que en ciertos casos perturban los sistemas eléctricos de nuestro planeta (y nosotros también somos sistemas eléctricos)?

Entre otros estudios realizados sobre la validez científica de la astrología está el famoso"efecto de Marte". Michel Gauqelin documentó una correlación estadística altamente significativa en la posición de Marte, el vigoroso planeta de la guerra y de hierro como elemento, en el nacimiento de los atletas profesionales. Algo que fue luego corroborado por estudios independientes.

El Dr. Mitchell E. Gibson encontró un método efectivo de predecir la depresión en una persona observando su carta astral. Un método similar parece ocurrir observando la carta astral de los asesinos en serie. En este artículo se pueden investigar 10 supuestas pruebas de que los planetas afectan la personalidad de los seres humanos.

Y quizás más allá de las pruebas de un paradigma de conocimiento como la ciencia (un cambio de enfoque: "I would rather learn from one bird how to sing than to teach 10000 stars how not to dance" (E.E. Cummings), está la intuición cotidiana de cada persona. En ese sentido, la mejor opinión sobre la validez de la astrología la tiene el lector. ¿Encuentras en tu vida que ciertas personas de ciertos signos, con ciertos planetas en su casas, se comportan conforme a un patrón? ¿Notas una diferencia en tu personalidad o en la naturaleza según la fase de la Luna? Pero ¿hasta que punto puedes distinguir tus mecanismos de proyección psicológica de los patrones que observas en la naturaleza? ¿Hasta que punto la sugestión de esta narrativa proviene del mundo material, objetivo y no de la narrativa de la cultura y de la conciencia colectiva? Pero, y sobre todo, ¿hasta que punto puedes separar estas narrativas, la física y el mundo supuestamente objetivo de tu mente y el mundo subjetivo? ¿Acaso no es posible que sean una misma cosa y esta sea la clave de la astrología: que los planetas en el cielo están tambien adentro de tu cerebro y el mismo universo tiene una especie de mente y una pauta psicológica, como tu tienes un cuerpo hecho de la misma sustancia que las estrellas en su constitución básica?

domingo, 13 de marzo de 2016


I have the following for you to study and decide. Let us start with Jesus Christ. The fact that Herad killed all children who were aged two years or under around 4 B.C (just before the eclipse when he died) shows that jesus must have been born before that period. Kepler and his student also observed that a new star was formed when Jupiter and Saturn met at Pisces in about 1613 (check date) and this must be a similar phenomena at the time of birth of Jesus as these conjunction was repeated. Looking at the trrible Kalasarpa Yoga with rahu in 8th house from lagna (the way he was killed) and the fact that this Kala sarpa was destroyed by the great Gaja Kesari yoga in his seventh house (undying fame) creating the Maha Padma and Maha sankha Yoga speak volumes about his great personality. Rahu is in 12 from AL - perfect renunciation and spirituality. rahu is also the AK. he will be cheated many times (especially one such cheating will result in his death as Rahu associates with 8th house - Judas). Rahu aspects the 8th from AL, is placed in 8th from Lagna and is AK and shall determine the death. Venus aspects the third from AL - everybody will be aware of the fact of his death. Mars aspects the third from AL from malefic aquarius - he shall finally die by SPEAR and not by crucification as is believed by many. I am stopping here. may this great son of God grant peace to all. Jesus Christ Date of Birth: December 25, -6 (7 B.C) Time of Birth: 10:18:00 pm Time Zone of Birth: 2:21 East of GMT Longitude of Birth: 35 E 12 Latitude of Birth: 31 N 43 Lunar month (maasa): Magha Lunar day (tithi): Sukla Panchami Tithi balance: 0.117724 Nakshatra balance: 0.863284 Sun-Moon Yoga: Parigha Sunrise = 7:3:39 am (Apparent rise - upper limb) Ayanamsa = -4--1--24.25 Tatkaala Sani Dasa (Vimsottari) Sesham = 16 yr 4 mo 24 d 51 gh Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Navamsa ChKarak Lagna 13 Vi 34' 03.91" Hastha 2 Vi Ta - Sun 6 Cp 34' 08.34" U.Shaa. 3 Cp Aq PK Moon 5 Pi 09' 22.66" U.Bhaa. 1 Pi Le GK Mars 13 Aq 04' 25.24" Satabhisham 2 Aq Cp PiK Mercury 14 Cp 34' 21.44" Sravanam 2 Cp Ta MK Jupiter 21 Pi 46' 31.95" Revathi 2 Pi Cp AmK Venus 21 Sc 48' 39.31" Jyeshtha 2 Sc Cp AK Saturn 20 Pi 31' 13.35" Revathi 2 Pi Cp BK Rahu 28 Ar 57' 32.91" Krittika 1 Ar Sg DK Ketu 28 Li 57' 32.91" Visakha 3 Li Ge - Uranus 6 Pi 44' 25.32" U.Bhaa. 2 Pi Vi - Neptune 10 Sc 47' 35.70" Anuradha 3 Sc Li - Pluto (R) 16 Vi 20' 13.83" Hastha 2 Vi Ta - Bhava Lagna 24 Le 30' 33.41" Poo.Pha. 4 Le Sc - Hora Lagna 13 Ar 05' 45.96" Aswini 4 Ar Cn - Ghati Lagna 8 Pi 51' 23.60" U.Bhaa. 2 Pi Vi - Vighati Lagna 17 Vi 39' 31.83" Hastha 3 Vi Ge - Pranapada Lagna 18 Vi 18' 19.31" Hastha 3 Vi Ge - Sree Lagna 2 Sc 47' 15.75" Visakha 4 Sc Cn - Indu Lagna 5 Le 09' 22.66" Makha 2 Le Ta - Kunda 18 Cp 59' 16.32" Sravanam 3 Cp Ge - Dhooma 19 Ta 54' 08.34" Rohini 3 Ta Ge - Vyatipata 10 Aq 05' 51.66" Satabhisham 2 Aq Cp - Parivesha 10 Le 05' 51.66" Makha 4 Le Cn - Indra Chapa 19 Sc 54' 08.34" Jyeshtha 1 Sc Sg - Upaketu 6 Sg 34' 08.34" Moola 2 Sg Ta - Kaala 2 Vi 50' 12.44" U.Pha. 2 Vi Cp - Mrityu 17 Li 45' 29.54" Swathi 4 Li Pi - Artha Prahara 10 Sc 02' 19.56" Anuradha 3 Sc Li - Yama Ghantaka 1 Sg 58' 24.81" Moola 1 Sg Ar - Maandi 18 Cn 43' 49.29" Aasresha 1 Cn Sg - Gulika 7 Cn 10' 52.93" Pushyami 2 Cn Vi - Varnada Lagna 26 Vi 39' 49.86" Chitra 1 Vi Le - Rasi +-----------------------------------------------+ | \ / \ / | | \ Ket / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | |Ven x Asc x Glk Mnd | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / \ 6 / \ | | / \ / \ | | x | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / Jup \ / | | \ / \ / | |Sun Mer x GL Moo x AL | | / \ / \ | | / \ Sat / \ | | / \ / \ | | / Mar \ / Rah \ | | / \ / HL \ | +-----------------------------------------------+ Navamsa +-----------------------------------------------+ | \ / \ / | | \ Ket / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / Mer \ / | | \ / \ / | |HL x Asc x | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / \ 2 / \ | | / \ / \ | | Moo x Sun | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | | \ / \ / | |AL \ / \ / Ven | |GL Glk x x Jup Mar | | / \ / \ Sat | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ | | / \ / Rah \ | | / \ / Mnd \ | +-----------------------------------------------+ Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon): Sat Sat -8-05-19 Mer -5-05-23 Ket -2-01-29 Ven -1-03-09 Sun 2-05-10 Moo 3-04-22 Mar 4-11-21 Rah 5-12-30 Jup 8-11-07 Mer Mer 11-05-20 Ket 13-10-17 Ven 14-10-15 Sun 17-08-15 Moo 18-06-20 Mar 19-11-19 Rah 20-11-16 Jup 23-06-05 Sat 25-09-11 Ket Ket 28-05-19 Ven 28-10-17 Sun 29-12-15 Moo 30-04-21 Mar 30-11-22 Rah 31-04-19 Jup 32-05-07 Sat 33-04-12 Mer 34-05-23 Ven Ven 35-05-20 Sun 38-09-21 Moo 39-09-21 Mar 41-05-20 Rah 42-07-22 Jup 45-07-21 Sat 48-03-18 Mer 51-05-20 Ket 54-03-19 Sun Sun 55-05-20 Moo 55-09-09 Mar 56-03-06 Rah 56-07-15 Jup 57-06-08 Sat 58-03-25 Mer 59-03-07 Ket 60-01-12 Ven 60-05-19 Moo Moo 61-05-20 Mar 62-03-19 Rah 62-10-21 Jup 64-04-18 Sat 65-08-21 Mer 67-03-19 Ket 68-08-21 Ven 69-03-18 Sun 70-11-19 Mar Mar 71-05-20 Rah 71-10-18 Jup 72-11-04 Sat 73-10-12 Mer 74-11-19 Ket 75-11-17 Ven 76-04-12 Sun 77-06-14 Moo 77-10-21 Rah Rah 78-05-20 Jup 81-01-29 Sat 83-06-27 Mer 86-05-01 Ket 88-11-19 Ven 89-12-07 Sun 92-12-07 Moo 93-11-02 Mar 95-05-02 Jup Jup 96-05-20 Sat 98-07-10 Mer 101-01-18 Ket 103-04-26 Ven 104-04-01 Sun 106-12-02 Moo 107-09-23 Mar 109-01-18 Rah 109-12-26 Best Wishes Sanjay Rath

sábado, 12 de marzo de 2016


 Name Calculation Rule Remark Dhuma Sun + 4 signs 13:20 - Vyatipata 12 signs - Dhuma - Parivesha Vyatipata + 6 signs - Chapa 12 signs - Parivesha Other name: Indra Dhanus Upaketu Chapa + 16:40 Other name: Ketu Calculation of Kalavelas The Kalavelas depend on the day time. The rules are distinct for day and night birth. Rules The day time (i.e. the time from sunrise to sunset) is divided into 8 equal parts. The first seven parts are assigned to the seven lords beginning from the lord of the week day (see Hora). The lord of the eigth part can be assigned, too. Accordingly the night time (i.e. time from sunset to next sunrise) is divided into eight parts, and the first portion is assigned to the 5th lord of the weekday. Each of these parts can be assigned to a Kala Vela. Default assignements are: the portion of the Sun ist Kala, Mars is the lord of Mrityu, Jupiter lords Yama Ghantaka, Mercury rules Ardha Prahara and Saturn rules Gulika. Moon and Venus have no Kala Vela portion. Some people say that Mandi is identical to Gulika, others say that Gulika lords the eight portion. Moreover the portion of the rising part plays an important role: the exact point of the Kala Velas in the zodiac can be the beginning, the middle or the end of the corresponding portion. Most astrologers take the beginning of the parts as reference for calculation. The zodiacal point of the Kala Velas is the ascending point at the time of the corresponding portion. The rules are summarized in the table below. Name Default Lord Default Portion Remark Kala Sun Beginning - Mrityu Mars Beginning - Ardhaprahara Mercury Beginning - Yamaghantaka Jupiter Beginning - Gulika Saturn Beginning - Mandi Saturn/Eight Portion None Middle of Saturn's portion, middle (or beginning) of 8th etc. Configuration of Kala Velas Configuration of Kala Velas takes place in the Vedic calulation tab of the configuration dialog. Kalavela Configuration The configuration has 3 parts: Selection of the Kala Vela Selection of lord. None means that the Kala Vela does not appear in display (i.e. planetary lists, graphical charts etc.) "Rises at" determines the part of the portion. Possible selections are: beginning, middle and end of the portion. The Default button can be used to return to the default configuration. Krishnamurti Paddhati Articles Drishtis (Aspects)


Aprakash Grahas, Upagrahas & Pranapada In Brhat Parashara Hora Shastra 3rd chapter (Santhanam Ed.), Maharishi Parashara enumerates about 5 Aprakash Grahas, 5 Upagrahas and Pranapada. These affect the life of the native at a very subtle level, since these Upagrahas do not have body of their own and behave like shadowy planets. The effects can be visible not only in the dasa of the planets associating with them, but also during the whole life of the native, which can be modified by the influences of the dasas etc. The importance of these bodies can be seen from the place where these are described. They are described in the same chapter where the Grahas (planets) are described. Thus Maharishi wanted us to check the influences of these planets as well in addition to the visible planets to delineate horoscope in details. Important Terms and Concepts: 1 day = 24 hrs = 60 Ghati 1 Hr = 2.5 Ghati; 1 Ghati = 60 Vighati; 1 min = 2.5 Vighati Ista Kala = Birth time – Sunrise/ Sunset (Time elapsed after sunrise or sunset) Ista Ghati = Ista Kala measure in ghati Dinamana = Duration of the day = Sunset – Sunrise Ratrimana = Duration of the night = Sunrise of next day – Sunset Sunrise Definition = Apparent rise of upper limb of Sun (as seen on a clear day) References from Brhat Parashari Hora Shastra (chapter 3) त्र्यंशाढ्यविश्वभागैश्च चतुर्भैः सहितो रविः। धूमो नाम महादोषः सर्वकर्मविनाशकः॥ ६१॥ tryaṁśāḍhyaviśvabhāgaiśca caturbhaiḥ sahito raviḥ | dhūmo nāma mahādoṣaḥ sarvakarmavināśakaḥ || 61|| धूमो मण्डलतः शुद्धो व्यतीपातोऽत्र दोषदः। सषद्भोऽत्र व्यतीपातः परिवेषोऽतिदोषकृत्॥ ६२॥ dhūmo maṇḍalataḥ śuddho vyatīpāto'tra doṣadaḥ | saṣadbho'tra vyatīpātaḥ pariveṣo'tidoṣakṛt || 62|| परिवेषश्च्युतश्चक्रादिन्द्रचापस्तु दोषदः। वित्र्यंशास्यष्टिभागाध्यश्चापः केतुखगोऽशुभः॥ ६३॥ pariveṣaścyutaścakrādindracāpastu doṣadaḥ | vitryaṁśāsyaṣṭibhāgādhyaścāpaḥ ketukhago'śubhaḥ || 63|| एकराशियुतः केतुः सूर्यतुल्यः प्रजायते। अप्रकाशग्रहाश्चैते पापा दोषप्रदाः स्मृताः॥ ६४॥ ekarāśiyutaḥ ketuḥ sūryatulyaḥ prajāyate | aprakāśagrahāścaite pāpā doṣapradāḥ smṛtāḥ || 64|| 61-64. Aprakash Grahas. Add 4 Rāśis 13 degrees and 20 minutes of arc to Sūrya’s longitude at a given moment to get the exact position of the all inauspicious Dhoom. Reduce Dhoom from 12 Rāśis to arrive at Vyatipat. Vyatipat is also inauspicious. Add six Rāśis to Vyatipat to know the position of Parivesh. He is extremely inauspicious. Deduct Parivesh from 12 Rāśis to arrive at the position of Chap (Indra Dhanus), who is also inauspicious. Add 16 degrees 40 minutes to Chap, which will give Ketu (UpaKetu), who is a malefic. By adding a Rāśi to UpaKetu, you get the original longitude of Sūrya. These are the Grahas, devoid of splendour, which are malefics by nature and cause affliction. सूर्येन्दुलग्नगेष्वेषु वंशायुर्ज्ञाननाशनम्। इति धूमादिदोषाणां स्थितिः पद्मासनोदिता॥ ६५॥ sūryendulagnageṣveṣu vaṁśāyurjñānanāśanam | iti dhūmādidoṣāṇāṁ sthitiḥ padmāsanoditā || 65|| 65. Effects of Sub-Grahas. If one of these afflicts Sūrya, the native’s dynasty will decline, while Candr and Lagn, respectively, associated with one of these, will destroy the longevity and wisdom. So declared Lord Brahma, the Lotus-Born. रविवारादिशन्यन्तं गुलिकादि निरूप्यते। दिवसानष्टधा भक्त्वा वारेशाद् गणेयत् क्रमात्॥ ६६॥ ravivārādiśanyantaṁ gulikādi nirūpyate | divasānaṣṭadhā bhaktvā vāreśād gaṇeyat kramāt || 66|| अष्ट्मोंऽशो निरीशः स्याच्छन्यंशो गुलिकःस्मृतः। रात्रिमप्यष्टधा कृत्वा वारेशात् पञ्चमादितः॥ ६७॥ aṣṭmoṁ'śo nirīśaḥ syācchanyaṁśo gulikaḥsmṛtaḥ | rātrimapyaṣṭadhā kṛtvā vāreśāt pañcamāditaḥ || 67|| गणयेदष्टमः खण्डो निष्यतिः परिकीर्तितः। श्न्यंशो गुलिकः प्रोक्तो रव्यंशः कालसंज्ञकः॥ ६८॥ gaṇayedaṣṭamaḥ khaṇḍo niṣyatiḥ parikīrtitaḥ | śnyaṁśo gulikaḥ prokto ravyaṁśaḥ kālasaṁjñakaḥ || 68|| भौमांशो मृत्युरादिष्टो गुर्वंशो यमघण्ट्कः। सोम्यांशोऽर्धप्रहरकः स्वस्वदेशोद्भवः स्फुटः॥ ६९॥ bhaumāṁśo mṛtyurādiṣṭo gurvaṁśo yamaghaṇṭkaḥ | somyāṁśo'rdhapraharakaḥ svasvadeśodbhavaḥ sphuṭaḥ || 69|| 66-69. Calculations of Gulika and other upagrahas: The portions of Sūrya etc. up to Śani denote the periods of Gulik and others. Divide the day duration (of any week day) into eight equal parts. The eighth portion is Lord-less. The seven portions are distributed to the seven Grahas commencing from the Lord of the week day, while 8th portion governed by Gulika. Similarly make the night duration into eight equal parts and distribute these, commencing from the Lord of the 5th. Here again, the eighth portion is Lord-less and represent the portion of Gulika. Sūrya’s portion is Kaal, Mangal’s portion is Mrityu, Guru’s portion is Yamaghantak and Budh’s portion is Ardhaprahar. These durations differently apply to different places (commensurate with variable day and night durations). गुलिकेष्टवशाल्लग्नं स्फुटं यत् स्वस्वदेशजम्। गुलिकं प्रोच्यते तस्माज्जातकस्य फलं वदेत्॥ ७०॥ gulikeṣṭavaśāllagnaṁ sphuṭaṁ yat svasvadeśajam | gulikaṁ procyate tasmājjātakasya phalaṁ vadet || 70|| 70. Gulika’s Position. The degree, ascending at the time of start of Gulika’s portion (as above), will be the longitude of Gulika at a given place. Based on this longitude only, Gulika’s effects for a particular nativity is estimated. गुलिकेष्टवशाल्लग्नं स्फुटं यत् स्वस्वदेशजम्। गुलिकं प्रोच्यते तस्माज्जातकस्य फलं वदेत्॥ ७०॥ gulikeṣṭavaśāllagnaṁ sphuṭaṁ yat svasvadeśajam | gulikaṁ procyate tasmājjātakasya phalaṁ vadet || 70|| भांशपादसमैः प्राणैश्चराद्यर्कत्रिकोणभात्। उदयादिष्टकालान्तं यद्भं प्राणपदं हि तत्॥ ७१॥ bhāṁśapādasamaiḥ prāṇaiścarādyarkatrikoṇabhāt | udayādiṣṭakālāntaṁ yadbhaṁ prāṇapadaṁ hi tat || 71|| स्वेष्टकालं पलीकृत्य तिथ्याप्तं भादिकं च यत्। चरागद्विभसंस्थेऽर्के भनौ युङ् नवमे सुते॥ ७२॥ sveṣṭakālaṁ palīkṛtya tithyāptaṁ bhādikaṁ ca yat | carāgadvibhasaṁsthe'rke bhanau yuṅ navame sute || 72|| स्फुटं प्राणपदाख्यं तल्लग्नं ज्ञेयं द्विजोत्तम। लग्नाद् द्विकोणे तुर्ये च राज्ये प्राणपदं तदा॥ ७३॥ sphuṭaṁ prāṇapadākhyaṁ tallagnaṁ jñeyaṁ dvijottama | lagnād dvikoṇe turye ca rājye prāṇapadaṁ tadā || 73|| शुभं जन्म विजानीयात्तथैवैकादशेऽपि च। अन्यस्थाने स्थितं चेत् स्यात् तदा जन्माशुभं वदेत्॥ ७४॥ śubhaṁ janma vijānīyāttathaivaikādaśe'pi ca | anyasthāne sthitaṁ cet syāt tadā janmāśubhaṁ vadet || 74|| 71-74. Calculation of Pranapad: Convert the given time into Vighatis and divide the same by 15. The resultant Rāśi, degrees etc. be added to Sūrya, if he is in a Movable Rāśi, which will yield Pranapad. If Sūrya is in a Fixed Rāśi, add 240 degrees additionally and, if in a Dual Rāśi, add 120 degrees in furtherance to get Pranapad. The birth will be auspicious, if Pranapad falls in the 2nd, 5th, 9th, 4th, 10th, or 11th from the natal Lagn. In other Bhavas Pranapad indicates an inauspicious birth. I: NON-LUMINOUS (APRAKASH) GRAHAS The five Aprakash Grahas namely Dhuma, Vyatipata, Parivesh, Indrachapa and Upaketu (Sikhi) are calculated based on the longitude of the Sun at time of birth or Prasna. These Grahas are devoid of splendor, are malefic by nature and cause affliction. The method of calculating these non luminous planets is as under: Dhuma = 133d 20’ + Sun Vyatipata (Pata) = 360d – Dhuma Paridhi (Parivesha) = 180d + Vyatipata Chapa (Indrachapa/ Kodanda) = 360d – Paridhi Upaketu = 16d 40’ + Chapa Illustration 1. Find Aprakash grahas in the horoscope Sun’s longitude = Ta 15d 08m = 1s 15d 8m = 45d 8m 1. Dhuma = 133d 20m + 45d 8m = 178d 28m = 5s 28d 28m 2. Vyatipata = 360d – 178d 28m = 181d 32m = 6s 1d 32m 3. Paridhi = 180d + 181d 32m = 180 - 181d 32m = 361 d 32m = 0s 1d 32 m 4. Chapa = 360 - 1d 32m = 358d 28m = 11s 28d 28m 5. Upaketu = 16d 40m + 358d 28m = 375d 28m = 0s 15d 08m To verify the correctness of the computation, add 1 sign to Upaketu to arrive at Sun’s longitude Jagannatha Hora software gives the following values for the Aprakash grahas: Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Nav Sun - PiK 15 Ta 08' 26.62" Rohi 2 Ta Ta Dhooma 28 Vi 28' 26.62" Chit 2 Vi Vi Vyatipata 1 Li 31' 33.38" Chit 3 Li Li Parivesha 1 Ar 31' 33.38" Aswi 1 Ar Ar Indra Chapa 28 Pi 28' 26.62" Reva 4 Pi Pi Upaketu 15 Ar 08' 26.62" Bhar 1 Ar Le II UPAGRAHAS Each day and night can be divided into 8 equal parts called yamardha. 7 of the 8 Yamardhas are governed by the weekday lords in the order of the weekdays from Sun to Saturn whereas the part after Saturn is unlorded. The Yamardhas for the day and night are to be found out separately based on the dinamana (duration of the day) and ratrimana (duration of night). Calculation: Step I: If the birth is before sunset, then find the duration of the day and if the birth is after sunset, then find the duration of the night. Step II: Divide the day duration or night duration with 8 to get the 8 yamas of the day or night. The Yama starting at Sunrise is lorded by the weekday lord, whereas the Yama starting at Sunset is lorded by the 5th planet from the weekday lord in the weekday order. Thus on Sunday, the first Yama at Sunrise is lorded by Sun, whereas the first Yama at Sunset is lorded by Jupiter, who is the 5th weekday lord counted from Sun. The subsequent yamas are governed by the subsequent weekday lord. Step III: Find the ascendant at the time of rising of the Upagrahas. However, even though Maharishi Parashara has tied the rising of the Upagrahas to the yamardhas, he has not however mentioned what portion of the yamardhas, the Upagrahas rise. However, classics such as Uttara Kalamrita by Kalidasa give the clue. According to that, duration of the day is to be divided into 32 equal parts; then Mandi shall rise on different days in following parts: Mandi: Time Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Day 26 22 18 14 10 6 2 Night 10 6 2 30 26 22 18 This means that on Sunday, Mandi shall rise after the completion of 26th part, i.e. in the 27th part, similarly on Monday, Mandi rises in the 23rd part and on Saturday it rises at the commencement of the 3rd part. Thus Mandi rises in the middle portion of Saturn’s part each day. This can be extended to other Upagrahas of other planets such as Kala for Sun, Mrtyu for Mars, Ardha-prahara for Mercury and Yamaghantaka for Jupiter. Thus the Upagrahas shall rise in the following parts on different days Kala: Time Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Day 2 30 26 22 18 14 10 Night 14 10 6 2 30 26 22 Mrtyu: Time Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Day 10 6 2 30 26 22 18 Night 22 18 14 10 6 2 30 Ardha-prahara: Time Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Day 14 10 6 2 30 26 22 Night 26 22 18 14 10 6 2 Yama-ghantaka: Time Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Day 18 14 10 6 2 30 26 Night 2 30 26 22 18 14 10 Steps for computation of Upagrahas: Step 1: Find the day or night birth and find the value for the Upagraha against the weekday. Call it “Upagraha Rising Value” Step 2: Find the time of rise using the following formula: Duration of day or night * Upagraha rising value / 32. Step 3: Find the ascendant rising at the time arrived. Upagraha Longitude Asdt. rising at (Sunrise + Day duration * Upagraha rising value / 32) For night birth consider Sunset instead of Sunrise and Night duration, instead of day duration. Steps for computation of Gulika Since Gulika rises at the end of Saturn’s portion or beginning of un-lorded portion, following formula can be used for finding it. Step 1: Find the day or night birth and find the value for the Gulika against the weekday. Call it “Gulika Rising Value”. The values are as follows: Time Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Day 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 Night 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 Step 2: Find the time of rise using the following formula: Duration of day or night * Upagraha rising value / 8. Step 3: Find the ascendant rising at the time arrived. Gulika’s Longitude Asdt. rising at (Sunrise + Day duration * Gulika rising value / 8) For night birth consider Sunset instead of Sunrise and Night duration, instead of day duration. Illustration: 1. Find Gulika in the horoscope Sunrise: 4:14:20 = 4.2388 Sunset: 19:10:39 = 19.1775 Since the birth is in day, we need to find the duration of the day, which is 19.1775 – 4.2388 = 14.9387 hrs Duration of 1 yama in day is 14.9387 / 8 = 1.8673 hrs Weekday lord: Mars The yamardhas of the day shall rise in the order of Mars -> Merc -> Jup -> Ven -> Sat -> Un-lorded yamardha (Gulika’s yamardha) -> Sun -> Moon. The yama# of the unlorded part is 6th yama. The rising time of the 6th yama shall be 5* yama duration + Sunrise = 5* 1.8673 + 4.2388 = 13.5753 = 13:34:31. This time is called Gulikodaya (Gulika+Udaya) Kala or the rising time of Gulika. The Lagna rising at that time is 100 35’ 28” Virgo. Thus the steps of computation of Gulika are 1. Gulikodaya Kala = Sunrise + (Gulika’s yamardha - 1) * yama duration 2. Gulika = Ascendant rising at Gulikodaya Kala. 2. Find Kala, Mrtyu, Ardhaprahara, Yamaghantaka and Mandi 2.1. Find Kala Weekday = Tuesday Day/ Night birth = Day birth Duration of day = 14.9387 hrs Upagraha rising value = 26 Kala: Time Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Day 2 30 26 22 18 14 10 Night 14 10 6 2 30 26 22 Rising time of Kala = Sunrise + (Day duration * Upagraha Value / 32) = 4.2388 + (14.9387 * 26/ 32) = 4.2388 + 12.1376 = 16.3764 = 16:22:35 Lagna rising at 16:22:35 = Li 13:17:57 (longitude of Kala) 2.2. Find Mrtyu Weekday = Tuesday Day/ Night birth = Day birth Duration of day = 14.9387 hrs Upagraha value = 2 Mrtyu: Time Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Day 10 6 2 30 26 22 18 Night 22 18 14 10 6 2 30 Rising time of Mrtyu = Sunrise + (Day duration * Upagraha Value / 32) = 4.2388 + (14.9387 *2/ 32) = 4.2388 + 0.9336 = 5.1725 hrs = 5: 10: 21 Lagna rising at 5: 10: 21 = Ta 28:50:13 (longitude of Mrtyu) 2.3. Find Ardhaprahara Weekday = Tuesday Day/ Night birth = Day birth Duration of day = 14.9387 hrs Upagraha rising value = 6 Ardha-prahara: Time Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Day 14 10 6 2 30 26 22 Night 26 22 18 14 10 6 2 Rising time of Ardhaprahara = Sunrise + (Day duration * Upagraha Value / 32) = 4.2388 + (14.9387 *6/ 32) = 4.2388 + 2.8010 = 7.0398 hrs = 7: 2: 23 Lagna rising at 7: 2: 23 = Ge 23:53:17 (longitude of Ardhaprahara) 2.4. Find Yamaghantaka Weekday = Tuesday Day/ Night birth = Day birth Duration of day = 14.9387 hrs Upagraha rising value = 10 Yamaghantaka: Time Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Day 18 14 10 6 2 30 26 Night 2 30 26 22 18 14 10 Rising time of Yamaghantaka = Sunrise + (Day duration * Upagraha Value / 32) = 4.2388 + (14.9387 *10/ 32) = 4.2388 + 4.6683 = 8.9071 hrs = 8: 54: 25 Lagna rising at 8: 54: 25 = Cn 16:08:29 (longitude of Yamaghantaka) 2.5. Find Mandi Weekday = Tuesday Day/ Night birth = Day birth Duration of day = 14.9387 hrs Upagraha rising value = 18 Mandi: Time Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Day 26 22 18 14 10 6 2 Night 10 6 2 30 26 22 18 Rising time of Mandi = Sunrise + (Day duration * Upagraha Value / 32) = 4.2388 + (14.9387 *18/ 32) = 4.2388 + 8.4030 = 12.6418 hrs = 12: 38: 30 Lagna rising at 12: 38: 30 = Leo 29:37:22 (longitude of Mandi) Jagannatha Hora software gives the following values for the Upagrahas: Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Nav Kaala 13 Li 17' 58.28" Swat 2 Li Cp Mrityu 28 Ta 50' 19.41" Mrig 2 Ta Vi Artha Prahara 23 Ge 53' 25.62" Puna 2 Ge Ta Yama Ghantaka 16 Cn 08' 40.05" Push 4 Cn Sc Maandi 29 Le 37' 28.10" UPha 1 Le Sg Gulika 10 Vi 35' 35.97" Hast 1 Vi Ar Planets vs. Aprakash Grahas and Upagrahas. In the following verse in Jaitaka Parijata, Vaidyanath Dikshita, associates the Upagrahas with different planets: %p¢h -anumuo¢ha kò)làda> Syu, ³mz> kalpirixxUmaxRàharahya ymk. upagraha bh˜numukhagrah˜Õþ˜ k˜l˜daya× kaÿ÷aphalaprad˜× syu | kramaþa× k˜laparidhidh¨m˜rdhaprah˜r˜hay˜ yamakaõ÷akakodaõýam˜ndip˜topaketava× || He says that the Upagrahas are lorded by Sun to Ketu and they bestow painful results to the native. The lordship is Kala, Paridhi, Dhuma, Ardhaprahara, Yamaghantaka, Kodanda, Mandi, Pata, Upaketu respectively assigned to Sun to Ketu in the weekday order. Rearranging the lordship for aprakash grahas and Upagrahas, we arrive at the following list. Aprakash Grahas: Mars - Dhuma Moon - Paridhi/ Parivesha Venus - Kodanda/ Indrachapa Rahu – Pata / Vyatipata Ketu - Upaketu Upagrahas: Sun - Kala Mars - Mrtyu Jupiter - Yamaghantaka Mercury - Ardhaprahara Saturn - Gulika Saturn - Mandi Dignities of Upagrahas Keeranuru Nataraja of Jatakalankaram (Tamil version) gives Rāśis of dignities for these UpaGrahas and Gulik etc. which are as follows Upagraha Exaltation Debilitation Swakshetra Malefic sign Dhuma Leo Aquarius Capricorn Aries, Scorpio Vyatipat Scorpio Taurus Gemini Libra Parivesh Gemini Sagittarius Sagittarius Pisces Indrachapa Sagittarius Gemini Cancer Cancer Upaketu Aquarius Leo Cancer Aries, Scorpio Gulika - - Aquarius - Yamaghantaka- - Sagittarius - Ardhaprahara- - Gemini - Kala - - Capricorn - Mrtyu - - Scorpio - If the Upagrahas are placed in dignity, their evil effects are reduced. III PRANAPADA Pranapada traverses a sign in 15 Vighatis. We know that the Lagna approximately traverses a sign with a rate of 5 ghati or 300 vighati. This shows that the Pranapada Lagna moves at the speed 20 times faster than the Lagna. Calculation Step I: Find the Ista Ghati . Multiply this with 60 to find the Vighati elapsed after Sunrise. Alternatively this can be found by multiplying the hrs elapsed after sunrise to birth with 150, to get the Vighati. Step II: The Ista Kala in Vighati is divided by 15 and resultant is to be converted in Rashis (Signs), Degrees, minutes etc. and be added to the longitude of the Sun at the time of Sunrise. This shows that how much sings the Pranapada Lagna has traversed from Sunrise @ 15 Vighatis per sign. Step III: The Pranapada Lagna is always counted from the Movable sign in trine to Sun. Thus, if Sun is in movable sign, the final longitude will straight away yield Pranapada; if the Sun is in dual sign; add 120 Degree and if in fixed Sign add 240 degree additionally to get Pranapada. Since the Pranapada indicates the life energy, it is always counted from a movable sign, from Sun, the giver of Life. Illustration Sunrise Time = 5:30:31 Longitude of Sun at sunrise = Le 7d 55’ 32.10” Step I: Ishta Kala = 14:32:44 – 5:30:31 = 14.545 – 5.5086 = 9.0314 Hrs = 1354.71 Vighati (Hrs*150) Step II: 1354.71/15 = 90.314 = 90 signs 9d 25m 12s = 6s 9d 25m 12s (expunging multiples of 12) Step III: Add Sun’s Degree with the degrees arrived at step II. This comes out to be 17d 20’. The No. of signs to be counted from the Movable sign in trine to Sun in Leo, should indicate the Pranapada Lagna. The movable sign in trine to Sun is Aries and counting 6 signs from Aries it comes to Libra. Thus the Pranapada becomes Li 17d 20’. RESULTS DHUMA 1st House -> Valorous -> Endowed with beautiful eyes -> Serious, reserved -> Wicked -> Extremely short tempered -> Watery grave if in a watery sign 2nd House -> Sickly -> Wealthy -> Troubles with a limb represented by the sign in 2nd house -> Dull witted -> Lack virility -> Speech troubles 3rd house -> Intelligent -> Valorous -> Generous -> Sweet spoken -> Wealthy -> Religious -> Weakness in the body part represented by the sign 4th House -> Sorrowful being rejected by the partner -> Well versed in shastras -> Belongs to a lineage of priests who are well versed in Yagnas (fire sacrifice) 5th house -> Limited progeny -> Devoid of wealth -> Honorable -> Shall eat anything -> Belligerent 6th House -> Valorous -> Strong -> Famous -> Free from diseases -> Destroyer of enemies -> Troubles from animals 7th House -> Penniless -> Extremely passionate -> Extra marital relationship -> Lethargic -> Troubles in marriage -> Marriage with low caste 8th House -> Lack courage -> Enthusiastic -> Truthful -> Disliked by others -> Hard hearted -> Selfish -> Engaged in evil activities -> Punishment 9th House -> Endowed with children and fortune -> Wealthy -> Honorable -> Kind -> Religious -> Well disposed to his relatives -> Opposed by family elders 10th House -> Endowed with children and fortune -> Ever cheerful -> Intelligent -> Truthful -> Troubles from fire (electricity, lightning etc.) 11th House -> Endowed with wealth, grains and gold -> Pleasant looking -> Knowledge of arts & music -> Modest -> Endowed with many houses 12th House -> Immoral -> Indulge in sinful acts -> Interested in others’ wives -> Addicted to vices -> Unkind -> Crafty -> Travel abroad -> Prosper in foreign land VYATIPATA 1st House -> Troubled by miseries -> Cruel -> Destructive -> Foolish -> Opposition with relatives -> Health troubles throughout -> Skin diseases 2nd House -> Wicked & Crook -> Bilious -> Materialistic -> Ungrateful -> Sinful -> Eloquent speech 3rd House -> Determined -> Warrior -> Generous -> Wealthy -> Dear to king -> Head of army -> Educated & Knowledgeable -> Skillful in music 4th House -> Diseased -> Bereft of progeny -> Unfortunate -> Endowed with landed property and houses -> Engaged in agriculture or animal husbandry -> Wealthy 5th House -> Indigent -> Pleasant appearance -> Imbalances of humor -> Hardhearted -> Bereft of progeny -> Unworthy children (if there) 6th House -> Destroyer of enemies -> Strong -> Skillful in wielding many kinds of weapons -> Knowledgeable in Arts -> Peaceful -> Marital troubles -> Bad behaviors with spouse 7th House -> Penury -> Bereft of wife and children -> Unhappy -> Passionate -> Shameless -> Troubled with debts 8th House -> Deformity of eyes -> Ugly -> Unfortunate -> Insults Brahmins -> Blood disorders -> Occult knowledge 9th House -> Engaged many things -> Many friends -> Famous -> Sweet spoken -> Liked by opposite sex -> Unfortunate -> Irreligious 10th House -> Wealthy -> Engaged in religious activities -> Extremely wise -> Visionary -> Wounds from various means 11th House -> Excessively wealthy -> Honored by Govt. -> Truthful -> Firm and determined -> Endowed with many horses -> Interested in music -> High position 12th House -> Angry -> Skillful in many activities -> Physically disabled -> Unfaithful to own religion & convert to other religion -> Hate kith & kin -> Inter-caste marriage -> Works as servant PARIDHI 1st house -> Knowledgeable -> Truthful -> Peaceful -> Wealthy -> Endowed with children -> Cleanliness -> Charitable -> Dear to elders and guru -> Danger from poisonous animals -> Violent death -> Difficulties in life -> Mental grief -> Troubled with debts 2nd house -> Wealthy and famous -> Pleasant appearance -> Materialistic -> Happy -> Religious -> Leader of community -> Immovable properties -> Profits from agriculture -> Ancestral wealth -> Becomes rich after constructing house 3rd House -> Dear to wife -> Pleasant appearance -> Endowed with many relatives -> Respectful to elders & guru -> Do things without much thought -> Insulted by others -> Discontinue education -> Wander for studies -> Becomes lunatic due to studying more than capacity 4th house -> Ever cheerful -> Well wisher of even enemies -> Amicable -> Skillful in music and singing -> Suspension due to mistakes in job -> Financial embezzlement -> Cheater -> Punishment 5th House -> Blessed by goddess Laxmi -> Virtuous -> Popular in the community -> Religious -> Dear to wife -> Live far from birthplace -> Obstacles 6th house -> Wealthy -> Endowed with children -> Materialistic -> Well wisher to others -> Destroyer of enemies -> Cheater 7th House -> Limited children (alpasantanayukta) -> Devoid of happiness -> Dumb -> Extremely cruel -> Wife suffers due to manifold diseases -> No business will be done in front of the person -> Suffer theft and larceny -> Suffer due to black magic -> Lose an eye 8th House -> Occupied in spiritual thoughts -> Endowed with Sattva Guna -> Peaceful -> Strong -> Determined -> Religious -> Suffer theft and larceny -> Severely injured -> Surgery 9th house -> Endowed with children -> Blissful -> Good natured -> Wealthy -> Lack passion -> Honorable -> Easily contented -> Get doubted by superior and get punished for mistakes, he is not responsible -> Does not respect elders in the house -> Do things which are not according to one’s Dharma -> Create enmity with the people who help them 10th house -> Well versed in various arts disciplines -> Materialistic -> Strong -> Devoid of anger -> Learned in all shastras -> Respects everybody -> Help the needy -> Engaged in religious activities -> Construct temple -> Earn from religious activities 11th house -> Enjoy company of women -> Virtuous -> Intelligent -> Deal to his people -> Suffer due to digestive disorders (such as acidity etc.) -> Unable to convince others -> Illogical arguments 12th House -> Lack happiness -> Mischievous -> Spendthrift -> Dishonor elders and gurus -> Suffer due to secret diseases -> Difficulties in getting cured -> Heavy expenditure on health INDRACHAPA 1st House -> Endowed with wealth, grains & gold -> Grateful -> Truthful -> Amicable -> Devoid of any weaknesses or vices -> Perennial health troubles 2nd House -> Affable -> Modest -> Extremely wise -> Pleasant appearance -> Religious -> Does not heed to advices of elders, wise men and well wishers -> Cannot keep secrets 3rd House -> Miserly -> Well versed in Arts -> Thievish -> Devoid of some limbs -> Devoid of friends and well wishers -> Ill repute due to mistakes in job -> Convoluted in household matters, -> Does not perform religious activities of the forefathers -> Divert to bad walks of life 4th House -> Endowed with cattle & grains -> Free from diseases -> Honored by the king -> Modest -> Cheat and con others -> Embezzle funds -> Take bribe 5th House -> Visionary -> Devout -> Affable -> Skillful in various areas -> Knowledgeable -> Highly educated -> Prosper in education field -> Research activities or Scientist -> Come out of any difficult situation. 6th House -> Destroyer of enemies -> Clever & cunning -> Blissful -> Successful and prosperous in all kinds of jobs -> Troubled by enemies in job -> Unfinished jobs -> Suffer black magic by enemies 7th House -> Virtuous -> Well versed in shastras -> Religious -> Dear to people -> Break in Family life -> Trouble in generative organs -> No comforts from marital life -> Cheated by trustworthy females -> May lose limb due to surgery -> May suffer from black magic 8th House -> Engaged in others work -> Cruel -> Interested in other’s wives -> Disabled -> Unfulfilled wishes -> Troubled by bad dreams, -> Unsuccessful and unfinished jobs -> Incessant troubles 9th House -> Perform penance (Tapasvi) -> Chaste (Brahmacharya) -> Extremely wise -> Famous -> Criminal mentality -> Irreligious -> Financial fraud -> Punishment 10th House -> Endowed with many children -> Brilliant -> Endowed with cattle -> Famous -> Hardship -> Lesser gain for the efforts -> Work as servant -> Unable to repay debts 11th House -> Free from diseases -> Determined -> Fiery disposition -> Knowledgeable on mantras & weaponry -> Affectionate to spouse -> Capable & hardworking -> Clear objective in life and achieve it -> Clever to outdo others in anything 12th House -> Shrewd -> Egoistic -> Evil in disposition -> Shameless -> Suffer poverty -> Extra marital relationship -> Engaged in illegal activities -> Regal penalty -> Imprisonment for cheating the govt. -> Suspension for cheating -> Lose property to the govt. UPAKETU 1st house -> Knowledgeable in various disciplines -> Blissful -> Eloquent -> Dear to people -> Fulfillment of desires and success -> Hard working but even then not famous -> Invite problems by helping others 2nd house -> Poet -> Learned -> Honorable -> Modest -> Endowed with conveyances -> Eloquent & affable (however speak only when required) -> Amicable -> Hardworking -> Completes work at hand 3rd house -> Evil & destructive -> Cruel -> Lean bodied -> Suffer penury -> Suffer with acute illnesses -> Hardworking -> Timid -> Gets others affection -> Speaks from nasal cavity 4th House -> Pleasant appearance -> Virtuous -> Sattvik disposition -> Interested in shastras -> Well disposed towards others -> Decorative -> Cleanliness -> Disciplined -> Law abiding 5th house -> Logician -> Intelligent -> Eloquent -> Respectful to elders and gurus -> Blissful -> Knowledgeable on arts -> Stomach problems -> Heart troubles -> Mentally unhappy -> Twin birth (for females) 6th House -> Ominous to maternal relatives -> Destroyer of enemies -> Endowed with many friends -> Valorous -> Splendorous -> Sagacious -> Go abroad for health reasons -> Stagnancy in career 7th House -> Interested in Gambling -> Passionate -> Materialistic -> Attached to prostitutes -> Difficulties in life and career -> Suicidal tendencies -> Injured by thieves and bandits 8th House -> Engaged in sinful acts -> Shameless -> Lack happiness from marital partner -> Take refuge to opposition -> Adversities in life -> Drown in debt -> Suicidal tendencies (by taking poison) 9th House -> Cheerful -> Helpful to all living beings -> Enthusiasm in religious activities -> Jobs connected to bravery -> Honored for bravery -> Hardworking 10th House -> Endowed with happiness & fortune -> Dear to females -> Charitable -> Like company of the learned ones -> Rise & subsequent fall in career -> Fall from height 11th House -> Wealthy -> Fortunate -> Valorous -> Well versed in religious activities such as fire sacrifices -> Engaged in righteous acts -> Ever gainful 12th house -> Engaged in sinful acts -> Valiant -> Doesn’t respect others -> Extra marital affairs -> Short tempered -> Bad dreams -> Difficulties in life -> Demotions in job -> Foreign travels but unhappy -> Invite problems by helping others -> Regal fines for something he is not responsible KALA 1st House -> Short tempered -> Adventurous 2nd House -> Obstacles in education -> Lose property 3rd house -> Hates relatives -> Wealthy -> Charitable 4th house -> Troubled married life 5th House -> Traveler -> Works in forests and hilly regions -> Unhappy family life 6th house -> High position -> Leader -> Wealthy -> Endowed with landed property 7th House -> Prosecuted by govt. & superiors -> Leaves his spouse and children. 8th house -> Lack comforts of life -> Lack happiness 9th House -> Troubles to father -> Respects Brahmins, learned ones, wife and children -> Religious. 10th house -> Minister or king -> Endowed with all kinds of comforts 11th house -> Powerful -> Extremely rich 12th House -> Away from family -> Engage in evil activities and lose power & reputation -> Lose house and property ARDHAPRAHARA 1st House -> Intelligent -> Talks after proper thought -> Knower of shastras 2nd House -> Wealthy due to own intelligence -> Good in debates 3rd house -> Help from his siblings -> Has a sense of suffering in life 4th House -> Educated, -> Wealthy -> Happy in life 5th house -> Friendship with Mantriks -> Endowed with wealth & property. 6th House -> Short tempered -> Belligerent and Harsh speech 7th house -> Prosper after marriage 8th House -> Respectable -> Responsible -> High position & authority 9th House -> Good in debates -> Interested in religious activities -> Endowed with property 10th House -> Educated, -> Intelligent -> Engaged in good deeds -> Complete activities in hand 11th House -> Respects & honors the truth -> Endowed with wealth & property -> Get co-operation 12th House -> Some kind of unhappiness in the family life -> Unfinished education -> Regal fines YAMAGHANTAKA 1st House -> Fortunate 2nd House -> Good in debates -> Educated -> Earns property 3rd House -> Dishonor -> May lose job -> Siblings will prosper -> Mistakes in fulfilling duties 4th House -> Get landed property -> Educated -> Auspicious functions in house -> Blessed by elders in the family 5th House -> Suffer due to children -> Educated -> Advisory jobs in Govt. 6th House -> Lazy and lethargic -> Ill repute in career -> Engaged in evil deeds with help of Mantriks 7th House -> Will have good wife & children -> Respectful -> Keeps the family’s honor 8th House -> Earn due to day to day work 9th House -> Engaged in religious activities -> High position & authority -> Endowed with wealth & property -> Comforts from wife and children 10th House -> Good status & position -> Engaged in religious activities 11th House -> Gains due to wife and children -> Profits in business -> Live abroad 12th House -> Disliked by others, even wife and children leave him -> Difficulties in earning livelihood MANDI 1st house -> Sickly -> Lean bodied -> Slowly complete work in hand -> Prosper due to self effort 2nd House -> Unkind -> Inflict emotional pain on others -> Vulgar speech -> Belligerent 3rd House -> Earns due to courage & bravery such as thieves, bandits, police officials, army men etc. -> Unfriendly neighbors -> Unhappiness from siblings -> While traveling troubled due to unwanted talks 4th House -> Uncomfortable life -> Run away from material pursuits such as house, property, vehicles etc. -> Enemies in job -> Troubled relationship with relatives 5th House -> Troubles in progeny -> Ill repute due to children -> Lack faith on guru and elders -> Enmity with superiors in job and hence devoid of prosperity -> Diseased -> Lacks blessing of deity, even though worshipped by him 6th House -> Hate his maternal family -> Lack faith in his colleagues -> Loan spent over on unnecessary things -> Suffer due to others misbehavior -> Unhappy in career 7th House -> Uncontrollable passion -> Ill repute due to immoral nature -> Concerned for wife’s health -> Eagle’s eye (looking for a prey) 8th House -> Intelligent -> Knowledgeable in Mantras & Tantras or other occult disciplines -> Sickly -> Surgery on some part of the body -> Troubles from poison, weapon & fire 9th House -> Irreligious -> Con others in name of religion -> Perform religious observances without devotion -> Unhappy in life 10th House -> Famous due to religious activities & good deeds -> Helps the needy -> Does activities with public interests in mind -> Completes task at hand -> Good reputation in family 11th House -> Extremely rich -> Endowed with landed property and material comforts -> Profits from businesses -> Extremely courageous -> High position & authority in Govt. or such organizations 12th House -> Bad dreams -> Timid -> Lose valuable things -> Expenses are more than income -> May lose one of his limbs -> Suffer ill health due to black magic -> Physical relationship with wicked women -> Defective nails GULIKA 1st House -> Sickly -> Lustful -> Sinful -> Crafty -> Mischievous -> Sorrowful -> Epilepsy 2nd house -> Unpleasant appearance -> Sorrowful -> Narrow minded -> Addicted to vices -> Shameless -> Penniless -> After 36 years of age the person goes abroad and become rich 3rd House -> Pleasant appearance -> Head of a village or town (such as mayor) -> Righteous -> Dear to wise men -> Respected & honored by the king 4th House -> Sickly -> Devoid of happiness -> Engaged in sinful acts -> Suffer due to windy and bilious complaints -> Unhappy domestic life 5th House -> Insulted by others -> Penniless -> Short lived -> Spiteful -> Narrow minded -> Lack virility -> Subdued by the wife -> Atheist -> Unhappy in future life 6th House -> Splendorous -> Good natured -> Dear to wife -> Energetic -> Determined -> Devoid of enemies -> Good health -> Wealthy 7th House -> Sinful -> Extra marital affairs -> Emaciated -> Devoid of friends -> Subdued by the wife -> Live on wife’s wealth -> Poverty after marriage -> Goes to abroad and wander for jobs 8th House -> Tormented by Hunger -> Emaciated -> Sorrowful -> Cruel -> Extremely high temper -> Hardhearted -> Penniless -> Bereft of virtues -> Sickly -> Unable to save even though the earnings are good -> May get ill repute 9th House -> Undergo many ordeals -> Emaciated -> Engaged in sinful and evil acts -> Extremely hardhearted -> Sluggish -> Un-fortunate & ill fated 10th House -> Endowed with children -> Blissful -> Materialistic -> Worshipper of fire -> Taken refuge to yogic and righteous path -> Gets power, rewards & honor 11th House -> Company of good women -> Leader of his community -> Well wisher of friends -> Short stature -> Regain lost property -> Good income 12th house -> Engaged in sinful acts -> Disabled -> Unfortunate -> Lethargic -> Associates with immoral women -> Unhappy family life -> May suffer due to black magic from enemies PRANAPADA 1st House -> Weak body -> Sickly -> Dumb (cant speak) -> Dull witted -> Lunatic -> Disabled (defective limb) -> Miserable 2nd house -> Endowed with abundant grains -> Wealthy -> Many attendants -> Many children -> Fortunate 3rd House -> Injurious & savage -> Egoistic -> Hardhearted -> Very dirty -> Devoid of respect for elders & gurus 4th House -> Happy -> Amicable -> Truthful -> Respects elders & gurus -> Splendorous -> Dear to wise men 5th House -> Happy -> Righteous -> Kind 6th House -> Subdued by his relatives and enemies -> Severe digestive troubles -> Unkind -> Wicked -> Sickly -> Affluent -> Short lived 7th House -> Jealous -> Ever libidinous -> Cruel -> Endowed with evil thoughts 8th House -> Afflicted by diseases -> Troubled by the king (govt.) -> Troubled by relatives, servants & sons 9th House -> Endowed with sons -> Very rich -> Fortunate -> Pleasant appearance -> Serve others -> Always satisfied -> Clear sighted 10th House -> Valiant -> Intelligent -> Skilful -> Expert in carrying out royal orders -> Worship gods 11th House -> Famous -> Virtuous -> Wise -> Materialistic -> Wealthy -> Fair-complexioned -> Honorable 12th house -> Mean & narrow minded -> Wicked -> Defective-limbed (disabled) -> Hate learned men (Brahmins) and relatives -> Suffer from eye diseases Some important points: 1. If any planet is conjoined with or aspected by (7th aspect) or disposits Gulika, during their dasa or Antar dasa or during transit of such planets on Gulika, troubles will be seen. 2. When Yamaghantaka’s dispositor conjoins any planet, then during the Dasa, Antar of such planet auspicious results like marriage, new house warming ceremony, birth of a child, Deva Pratishta etc. happen. 3. When Ardhaprahara’s dispositor conjoins any planet, then during their Dasa and Antar, events like court case, compromising of a case, agreement, signing of new business etc. may take place. 4. Normally during the Kala’s dispositor’s dasa- antar or the dasa- antar of the planet conjoining the dispositor only bad events may take place. 5. Normally when the Upagrahas conjoins any planet, during the dasa and antar of the said planet, Upagrahas will give their full results. During the dasa of lords and dispositors of Upagrahas, they will give 50 % of results. Any planet that is opposite to an Upagraha, during its dasa and antar 75% results can be seen. 6. During the transit of Shani on Gulika, the person loses his wealth, honor and fame. CASE STUDIES Following case studies shows the effect of the Aprakash grahas and Upagrahas in shaping the life of the native. Check if there are planets in the house occupied by the Upagrahas, if, yes, then their results shall dominate, otherwise the results of the Upagrahas shall dominate. Case I: Mahatma Gandhi, Nationalist Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Nav Maandi 21 Cp 38' 41.73" Srav 4 Cp Cn Gulika 18 Aq 53' 24.71" Sata 4 Aq Pi Pranapada Lagna 11 Ar 08' 24.48" Aswi 4 Ar Cn Dhooma 0 Aq 14' 13.77" Dhan 3 Aq Li Vyatipata 29 Ta 45' 46.23" Mrig 2 Ta Vi Parivesha 29 Sc 45' 46.23" Jye 4 Sc Pi Indra Chapa 0 Le 14' 13.77" Magh 1 Le Ar Upaketu 16 Le 54' 13.77" PPha 2 Le Vi Kaala 26 Vi 21' 56.20" Chit 1 Vi Le Mrityu 6 Sc 35' 49.41" Anu 1 Sc Le Artha Prahara 26 Sc 20' 19.15" Jye 3 Sc Aq Yama Ghantaka 16 Sg 49' 42.72" PSha 2 Sg Vi Dhuma 5 Limited progeny Devoid of wealth Honorable Shall eat anything Belligerent Vyatipata 8 deformity of eyes Ugly Unfortunate Insults Brahmins Blood disorders Occult knowledge Paridhi 2 Wealthy & famous Pleasant appearance Materialistic Happy Religious Leader of community Immovable properties Profits from agriculture Ancestral wealth Becomes rich after constructing house Indrachapa 11 Free from diseases Determined Fiery disposition Knowledgeable on mantras & weaponry Affectionate to spouse Capable & hardworking Clear objective in life and achieve it Clever to outdo others in anything Upaketu 11 Wealthy Fortunate Valorous Well versed in religious activities such as fire sacrifices Engaged in righteous acts Ever gainful Kala 12 Away from family Engage in evil activities and lose power & reputation Lose house and property He went abroad away from his family and at many times when he traveled; he was away from his family. In a positive sense “engaged in evil activities” could be treated as his rebellion against the ruling govt. at that time. Mrtyu 2 Ardhaprahara 2 Wealthy due to own intelligence Good in debates Yamaghantaka 3 Dishonor May lose job Siblings will prosper Mistakes in fulfilling duties Mandi 4 Uncomfortable life Run away from material pursuits such as house, property, vehicles etc. Enemies in job Troubled relationship with relatives Gulika 5 Unhappy in future life Case II: Sigmund Freud, Psychologist Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Nav Mandi 25 Le 09' 07.87" PPha 4 Le Sc Gulika 15 Vi 17' 54.32" Hast 2 Vi Ta Dhooma 7 Vi 48' 25.57" UPha 4 Vi Pi Vyatipata 22 Li 11' 34.43" Visa 1 Li Ar Parivesha 22 Ar 11' 34.43" Bhar 3 Ar Li Indra Chapa 7 Pi 48' 25.57" UBha 2 Pi Vi Upaketu 24 Pi 28' 25.57" Reva 3 Pi Aq Kaala 15 Li 20' 57.46" Swat 3 Li Aq Mrityu 12 Ge 32' 22.48" Ardr 2 Ge Cp Artha Prahara 4 Cn 50' 50.32" Push 1 Cn Le Yama Ghantaka 25 Cn 08' 56.19" Asre 3 Cn Aq Upagraha House# Dhuma 12 Immoral Indulge in sinful acts Interested in others’ wives Addicted to vices Unkind Crafty Travel abroad Prosper in foreign land Vyatipata 1 Troubled by miseries Cruel Destructive Foolish Opposition with relatives Health troubles throughout Skin diseases Paridhi 7 Limited children (alpasantanayukta) Devoid of happiness Dumb Extremely cruel Wife suffers due to manifold diseases No business will be done in front of the person Suffer theft and larceny Suffer due to black magic Lose an eye Indrachapa 6 Destroyer of enemies Clever & cunning Blissful Successful and prosperous in all kinds of jobs Troubled by enemies in job Unfinished jobs Suffer black magic by enemies Upaketu 6 Ominous to maternal relatives Destroyer of enemies Endowed with many friends Valorous Splendorous Sagacious Go abroad for health reasons Stagnancy in career Kala 1 Short tempered Adventurous Mrtyu 9 Ardhaprahara 10 Intelligent Engaged in good deeds Complete activities in hand Yamaghantaka 10 Good status & position Engaged in religious activities Mandi 11 Extremely rich Endowed with landed property and material comforts Profits from businesses Extremely courageous High position & authority in Govt. or such organizations Gulika 12 Defective organ Unhappy family life May suffer due to black magic from enemies Case III: Swami Vivekananda, Spiritual Leader Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Nav Maandi 13 Le 35' 57.62" PPha 1 Le Le Gulika 6 Vi 18' 58.47" UPha 3 Vi Aq Dhooma 12 Ta 45' 44.62" Rohi 1 Ta Ar Vyatipata 17 Aq 14' 15.38" Sata 4 Aq Pi Parivesha 17 Le 14' 15.38" PPha 2 Le Vi Indra Chapa 12 Sc 45' 44.62" Anu 3 Sc Li Upaketu 29 Sc 25' 44.62" Jye 4 Sc Pi Kaala 10 Li 17' 41.65" Swat 2 Li Cp Mrityu 23 Sc 58' 11.88" Jye 3 Sc Aq Artha Prahara 16 Sg 30' 42.85" PSha 1 Sg Le Yama Ghantaka 10 Cn 33' 03.65" Push 3 Cn Li Upagraha House# Results Comments Dhuma 6 Valorous Strong Famous Free from diseases Destroyer of enemies Troubles from animals Vyatipata 3 Determined Warrior Generous Wealthy Dear to king Head of army Educated & Knowledgeable Skillful in music Paridhi 9 Endowed with children Blissful Good natured Wealthy Lack passion Honorable Easily contented In career, superiors will doubt the person and he might be punished for something which he is not responsible. Does not respect elders in the house Do things which are not according to one’s Dharma Create enmity with the people who help them Indrachapa 12 Shrewd Egoistic Evil in disposition Shameless Suffer poverty Extra marital relationship Engaged in illegal activities Regal penalty Imprisonment for cheating the govt. Suspension for cheating Lose property to the govt. Upaketu 12 Engaged in sinful acts Valiant Doesn’t respect others Extra marital affairs Short tempered Bad dreams Difficulties in life Demotions in job Foreign travels but unhappy Invite problems by helping others Regal fines for something he is not responsible Kala 11 Powerful Extremely rich Mrtyu 12 Ardhaprahara 1 Intelligent Talks after proper thought Knower of shastras Yamaghantaka 8 Earn due to day to day work Mandi 9 Irreligious Con others in name of religion Perform religious observances without devotion Unhappy in life Gulika 10 Gets power & rewards and honor Case IV: Mother Teresa, Philanthropist Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Nav Maandi 28 Le 14' 05.28" UPha 1 Le Sg Gulika 17 Vi 58' 46.31" Hast 3 Vi Ge Dhooma 23 Sg 08' 36.58" PSha 3 Sg Li Vyatipata 6 Cn 51' 23.42" Push 2 Cn Vi Parivesha 6 Cp 51' 23.42" USha 4 Cp Pi Indra Chapa 23 Ge 08' 36.58" Puna 1 Ge Ar Upaketu 9 Cn 48' 36.58" Push 2 Cn Vi Kaala 17 Li 21' 06.59" Swat 4 Li Pi Mrityu 27 Sc 26' 00.42" Jye 4 Sc Pi Artha Prahara 20 Sg 56' 58.91" PSha 3 Sg Li Yama Ghantaka 21 Cp 27' 08.15" Srav 4 Cp Cn Upagraha House# Dhuma 1 Valorous Endowed with beautiful eyes Serious & reserved Wicked Extremely short tempered Watery grave if in a watery sign Vyatipata 8 Deformity of eyes Ugly Unfortunate Insults Brahmins Blood disorders Occult knowledge Paridhi 2 Wealthy & famous Pleasant appearance Materialistic Happy Religious Leader of community Immovable properties Profits from agriculture Ancestral wealth Becomes rich after constructing house Indrachapa 7 Virtuous Well versed in shastras Religious Dear to people Break in Family life Trouble in generative organs No comforts from marital life Cheated by trustworthy females May lose limb due to surgery May suffer from black magic Upaketu 8 Engaged in sinful acts Shameless Lack happiness from marital partner Take refuge to opposition Adversities in life Drown in debt Suicidal tendencies (by taking poison) Kala 11 Powerful Extremely rich Mrtyu 12 Ardhaprahara 1 Intelligent Talks after proper thought Knower of shastras Yamaghantaka 2 Good in debates Educated Earns property Mandi 9 Irreligious Con others in name of religion Perform religious observances without devotion Unhappy in life Gulika 10 Gets power & rewards and honor Case V: Adolf Hitler (Sadist) Body Longitude Nakshatra Pada Rasi Nav Maandi 1 Vi 11' 07.82" UPha 2 Vi Cp Gulika 20 Vi 19' 36.30" Hast 4 Vi Cn Dhooma 21 Le 50' 18.80" PPha 3 Le Li Vyatipata 8 Sc 09' 41.20" Anu 2 Sc Vi Parivesha 8 Ta 09' 41.20" Krit 4 Ta Pi Indra Chapa 21 Aq 50' 18.80" PBha 1 Aq Ar Upaketu 8 Pi 30' 18.80" UBha 2 Pi Vi Kaala 29 Ar 10' 14.92" Krit 1 Ar Sg Mrityu 23 Ge 42' 30.38" Puna 2 Ge Ta Artha Prahara 13 Cn 35' 43.35" Push 4 Cn Sc Yama Ghantaka 2 Le 37' 25.18" Magh 1 Le Ar Dhuma 11 Endowed with wealth, grains and gold Pleasant looking Knowledge of arts & music Modest Endowed with many houses Vyatipata 2 Wicked & Crook Bilious Materialistic Ungrateful Sinful Eloquent speech Paridhi 8 Occupied in spiritual thoughts Endowed with Sattva Guna Peaceful Strong Determined Religious Suffer theft and larceny Severely injured Surgery Indrachapa 5 Visionary Devout Affable Skillful in various areas Knowledgeable Highly educated Prosper in education field Research activities or Scientist Come out of any difficult situation. Upaketu 6 Ominous to maternal relatives Destroyer of enemies Endowed with many friends Valorous Splendorous Sagacious Go abroad for health reasons Stagnancy in career Kala 7 Prosecuted by govt. & superiors Leaves his spouse and children. Mrtyu 9 Ardhaprahara 10 Educated, Intelligent Engaged in good deeds Complete activities in hand Yamaghantaka 11 Gains due to wife and children Profits in business Live abroad Mandi 12 Bad dreams Timid Lose valuable things Expenses are more than income May lose one of his limbs Suffer ill health due to black magic Physical relationship with wicked women Defective nails Gulika 12 Defective organ Unhappy family life May suffer due to black magic from enemies