domingo, 1 de abril de 2012



A native will beget children if the 5th is owned by a benefic or a benefic is standing in 5th or the 5th is aspected by a benefic. If the 5th is owned by a malefic and occupied/aspected by another malefic, the native will have no children.
If the 5th from Asdt or Moon (whichever is stronger) happens to be owned by a benefic and if one of the shad vargas (viz classifications) of the 5th bhava madhya happens to belong to Jupiter or the 5th is aspected by a benefic, the native shall have a son without fail through his married wife.
Number of sons will equal the number of navamsas covered by the lord of 5th. Of these navamsas, number of children equalling the number of navamsas which have fallen in benefic signs or which have benefic aspect/connection, will prosper; and number of children equalling the number of malefic navamsas or navamsas with malefic aspect/connection will not thrive. A benefic navamsa with strong benefic aspect will give double the results.
Aspect to a navamsa is called for here. This requirement will be satisfied if the zodiac sign in 
        which the navamsa falls is aspected by a planet.
Masculine navamsas represent boys and feminine navamsas, girls. If lord of 5th is suffering debilitation, combustion or stay in bitter enemy house, even if having benefic connection, there may be no issues.
If the 5th house happens to be Capricorn or Aquarius or the 5th bhava madhya falls in a varga of Saturn, aspected by Mercury, and not aspected by Sun/Mars/Jupiter, the native will have a son born to his wife, out of wedlock, known as KSHETRAJA.
Same result will occur if 5th bhava falls in a Mercurian sign/varga, aspected by Saturn, and  not aspected by Sun, Mars or Jupiter.
In SARAVALI text circulating in Andhra, this sloka has been interpreted thus -
If the GANA ruled by Saturn in the 5th house is aspected by Mercury, not aspected by Sun, Mars
        or Jupiter, the native will have kshetraja. In this context, GANA means a varga (classification viz.
        Rasi, Hora, Drekkana, Saptamsa, Navamsa, Dwadasamsa and Trimsamsa). According to this
        interpretation, one of the seven classifications may be that of Saturn, aspected by Mercury or
        vice versa. Here, the aspecting planet has also got to be in the same varga
Assuming 5th is Capricorn or Aquarius, Mercury’s full aspect is enough. Assuming 5th bhava madhya falls at 15° Libra, the 5th bhava madhya is in 2nd drekkana ruled by Saturn. In this case, mercury has to be in Aries 2nd drekkana for his full aspect on Saturnian GANA.
From the context and general build of the sloka, both the interpretations seem to be correct. In the former, the yoga will apply only if the 5th falls in a Saturnian/Mercurian sign whilst in the latter, the yoga may arise in any sign subject to the varga being that of Saturn or Mercury. The scope is enlarged in the latter.
If Capricorn or Aquarius becomes the 5th and if Saturn is standing there with aspect of Moon, the native will have an adopted son. Aspect of Mercury in place of Moon indicates a KREETA PUTRA. This is how the sloka has been interpreted in Andhra texts.
There is a difference of opinion amongst the South Indian savants with regard to the interpretation of that part of the sloka, pertaining to KREETA PUTRA. According to this opinion, the 5th house should fall in a Mercurian sign with Mercury posited in there and aspected by Moon.
Kreeta Putra is said to be a child whose worthiness to be adopted in NOT considered 
        but is purchased for cash.
From the context and general build of the sloka, the translators prefer the first opinion.
If the Saptamsa of the 5th happens to be owned by Mars whilst Saturn is posited in 5th, without aspect or conjunction, the native will possess a KRITRIMA PUTRA. this interpretation is based on Andhra texts.Incidentally, Saptamsa is given importance here. This is in keeping with Maharshi Parashara Immortal Astrological Classic BRIHAT PARASHARA HORA wherein he advocates use of Saptamsa Chakra for
predictions concerning issues.
This sloka has been interpreted differently in South Indian vernacular texts thus :
If the 7th house falls in Aries/Scorpio whilst Saturn is standing therein without any aspect,
the native will have  KRITRIMA PUTRA.
The first interpretation is based on the use of words SAPTAMA BHAGA in the sloka, whilst the 2nd interpretation is based on the words SAPTAMA BHAVA in the said sloka. The translators support the first interpretation without any hesitation.
KRITRIMA PUTRA is one who has all the features and qualities befitting the parents, but who is
        not actually adopted but taken in, out of love, as their son.
If one of the vargas of the 5th house belong to Sun and Sun stands in that varga aspected by Mars, the native will have a BIJA PUTRA (a son born to native through a woman belonging to a low community, not married by him).
Example :
If Sun is standing in Leo or own Hora/drekkana/saptamsa/navamsa/dwadasamsa and is aspected by Mars, the yoga arises. Mars should be occupying the same number of varga as that of Sun. If Sun is in 2nd drekkana, Mars should also be in 2nd drekkana; if Sun is in 5th navamsa, Mars
should also be in 5th navamsa and so on.
South Indian texts interpret this sloka to mean thus :
        If the 5th happens to be Leo with Sun posited in there, aspected by Mars, the native will beget
        a child known as BIJA PUTRA.
If Moon is standing in a martian sign, which happens to be the 5th with aspect of Saturn, and without any other aspect, the native will possess a GOODHOTPANNA (son born to his wife due to her intimacy with someone). This sloka is by KARUNA MUNI.
The Andhra interpretation for this sloka is – If Moon in 5th occupies a Martian Navamsa and is aspected by Saturn, the native will beget a Goodhotpanna.
Hindi texts interpret this sloka as – If Moon is in 5th in Martian Navamsa aspected by Saturn, without aspect of any benefic, the son will be a fool and of a low type.
Mars in 5th (which happens to be Capricorn/Aquarius) if aspected by Sun, the native will have an APAVIDHA PUTRA (one who is forsaken by parents). This sloka is by KARUNA MUNI.
If Moon is conjunct with Saturn and both of them occupy Capricorn/Aquarius, which happens to be
the 5th or Moon occupies one of Saturn’s vargas in the 5th aspected by Sun and Venus, the native
will have a PUNARBHAVA PUTRA (one born to a woman who has been forsaken or divorced by her
husband and out of wedlock).
The South Indian interpretation for this sloka runs thus -  Moon standing Saturnian signs/vargas, whilst Saturn in 5th is aspected by both Sun and Venus, the native will beget a Punarbhava Putra.
If Moon is very weak in the matter of Rasmies and is with combustion in any sign, whilst the 5th is conjunct or aspected by Sun, the native will have a KANEENA PUTRA (the native marries a woman who already has a son from her previous marriage).
If Sun and Moon occupy their vargas in Cancer or Leo, which happen to be the 5th, aspected by Venus, there will birth of a SAHODA PUTRA (one who is aleady in the womb of mother at the time of marriage). Sun and Moon should be in the same sign.
The interpretation given for this sloka, which is slightly different compared to Andhra texts, is
        as follows in malayalam version : if the 5th happens to be Cancer/Leo wherein Sun and Moon
        are together and aspected by venus; or Sun and Moon stand on their own vargas in 5th house
        aspected by Venus, there will be birth of SAHODA PUTRA.
If 5th is owned by malefic and is occupied by a malefic (without benefic aspect), there will be no issues. If there is also a benefic aspect, there will be birth of children after necessary propitiatory measures/shantis.
If Venus aspects its own navamsa occurring in the 5th house, birth of a son through maid-servant will occur. If Moon is stronger than Ascendant, this yoga may be considered with reference to 5th of Moon sign.
If the 5th happens to be Taurus, Libra, or Cancer, Moon and Venus in of these signs, the native will have more of girl children. This yoga occurring in Taurus or Cancer is more powerful.
If the 5th, Moon and Venus occupy masculine signs, the native will have a mixture of boys and girl children.
Moon in 10th, Venus in 7th and a malefic in 4th indicates that the native will have no issues and that the native’s dynasty will cease with him.
Mars in 5th, either as lord of Asdt or lord of 5th indicates birth of some children. If such Mars is conjunct or aspected by Jupiter, the first born will die. If there is aspect of Venus or other planets, same results should NOT be predicted.
Mars in 5th indicates loss of all children born.
If all the 3 malefics are in 5th, it denotes that the native will have no happiness and will have few relatives.
Mars alone in 5th indicates defect in any organ.  Saturn alone in 5th indicates diseases.
Mercury, Jupiter or Venus in 5th indicates growth of everything the 5th signifies viz. happiness,prosperity and finance.

2 comentarios:

  1. I am 10 weeks pregnant and have mars in birth-chart. Please tell me is mars for good or bad in aries.

