martes, 28 de marzo de 2017
Mercury being retrograde in natal chart indicates that these people are slow and deliberate in thinking process, analyzing a situation or problem, and are very cautious in communications.
They take longer than usual time to arrive at decisions. They also reconsider themselves and revive decisions that are already made.
Their thoughts work on sub-conscious level and most of the times, they are seen talking to themselves.
They have problems in communications, frequent repairs to their phones, obstacles in transportation, typos, misprints etc.
Their businesses slow down due to delays in traffic, late arrivals of goods.
People in fields of communication, courier service, astrology, education, mediation or negotiation, lawyers, stock brokers, travel industry, media, medicine will face frequent problems if they are born with retrograde mercury.
If one is an astrologer with retrograde mercury, they are good at analysis part but fail in predictions.
Most of their work is held up during transit mercury being retrograde and reasons can be sickness, delay in transportation, equipment breakdowns or repairs, failure of negotiations etc.
During Mercury’s stationary period, new ideas and plans evolve in their minds, but most of them convert into results only after Mercury crosses the point by direct motion, at which it started retrograde motion in the past.
This stationary and retrograde period of mercury is best time to consider all possible outcomes of current plan(s), their pros and cons.
The frustrating experience of stationary and retrograde mercury is actually a blessing in disguise, as they can take care of all details of unfinished tasks and business affairs started when Mercury was in direct motion.
Once Mercury becomes direct, all that was stuck will move with rapid pace and confidence is grown in all undertakings.
Mercury Retrograde and Past Life Karmic Connection
If Mercury retrograde is in your chart it is likely that you were once scorned for speaking out; perhaps your words incensed a riot. Mercury retrograde symbolizes that you are afraid to say the wrong thing and that you don’t feel assured of your own intelligence.
To master this life lesson, you should believe in your intelligence and the power of your communication skills.
Practice public speaking and celebrate the achievement of speaking to a group.
domingo, 5 de marzo de 2017
Planet of next highest degree = Putrakarakathis acts like the 5th house lord or Jupiter, indicating children or other 5th house affairs
Planet of next highest degree = Gnatikarakathis acts like the 6th house lord, indicating diseases or other 6th house affairs
Planet of next highest degree = Darakarakathis acts like the 7th house lord or Venus, indicating the relationship
Use these karakas as additional significators of the subjects they point to. For example, besides Venus or Jupiter, and the Lord of the Seventh House, the darakaraka can beinvestigated to help understand events concerning the marriage or relationship partner.The atmakaraka can be used (like the Sun) as an indicator of the essence of the person. Therelative strength or weakness of the atmakaraka can indicate the overall strength of thehoroscope. It is considered very favorable if the atmakaraka is in a kendra (conjunct,square, or opposed to) the amatyakaraka. This is a very flexible system, compared to theParashari karakas. It is this variable karaka system that constitutes the first major difference between Jaimini astrology and Parashari astrology.
Jaimini Aspects
The second big difference in Jaimini astrology concerns the way aspects are determined. InParashari astrology, aspects are determined by the planets. Every planet casts an aspect onthe seventh house from it, and three planets -- Jupiter, Mars, and Saturn -- cast specialaspects. However, in Jaimini astrology, it is the
that cast aspects. It is a fairly simplesystem: 1) each Movable sign aspects all Fixed signs except for the sign adjacent to it; 2)each Fixed sign aspects all Movable signs except for the sign adjacent to it; 3) and eachDual sign aspects all other Dual signs. In the language of Western astrology, we woulddescribe it this way: the Movable (Cardinal) and Fixed signs each cast sextile, aninconjunct, and a trine; the Dual (Mutable) signs all cast squares and oppositions. For easyreference, the following list gives the aspect cast by each sign of the zodiac:
Aries: Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius
Taurus: Cancer, Libra, Capricorn
Gemini: Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces
Cancer: Scorpio, Aquarius, Taurus
Leo: Libra, Capricorn, Aries
Virgo: Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini
Libra: Aquarius, Taurus, Leo
Scorpio: Capricorn, Aries, Cancer
Sagittarius: Pisces, Gemini, Virgo
Capricorn: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio
Aquarius: Aries, Cancer, Libra
Pisces: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius
The aspect of any sign carries the aspects of the planets located within that sign. All aspects between signs are mutual -- which is a major departure from Parashara. Also, you cancombine the Jaimini karakas with the Jaimini aspects to create Jaimini raja yogas is in thesame way that Parashara planets and aspects can be combined to form raja yogas. This is ahighly-innovative and flexible system that can be used as a complement to Parashariastrology or in -- some say -- completely on its own as a separate system.
Jaimini Chara Dasha
The third way that Jaimini astrology differs from Parashari astrology is in the dasa periodsit uses. In Parashari astrology the most-used dasa system is, of course, the vimshottari dasasystem. The vimshottari dasa system makes use of a sequence of planetary periods to definethe life path of an individual. In Jaimini astrology however, it is the chara dasa system thatis most popular. In the chara dasa, rather than planets determining the dasa sequence, it isagain
that are the defining factor. Therefore, chara dasa is a sign-based dasa system.For example, rather than hearing of an individual being in, say, Ketu period, (as we are usedto in the vimshottari dasa system), in chara dasa we might say that the same individual isrunning Sagittarius period. If there are planets located in the any of the Dual signs, they will be activated during this period. Furthermore, we might want to rotate the lagna of the chartto Sagittarius and examine it from there. That is a good way to understand the character of the chara dasa period.The chara dasa system can be used in isolation or -- better yet -- in combination with thevimshottari dasa system to get excellent predictive results. This is the case with all theJaimini astrological techniques. They can be used on their own or in combination withParashari techniques. It is very important to remember this. Also, newcomers to astrologyvery often wish to
nail down
all the factors in the chart, and do not like seeminglycontradictory information. Often, they want everything to be
. But the that is nothow astrology works. The ancient science of jyotisha depends on patterns and probabilities. Nothing exists in isolation. If a jyotishi see is merely one factor in the chart, it is a littlesignificance. But when that factor is repeated too, three, four times -- either directly, or incombination with other factors -- then it becomes highly significant. Therefore, it is of benefit to the astrologer to look at the same chart from as many angles as possible. Look atit from the birth ascendant, look at it from the Moon ascendant, look at it from the Sunascendant -- and see it which patterns repeat themselves. You can be sure that theserepeated patterns are powerful and will show great significance in the life of the individual.That is why it is so useful to combine Parashari techniques with Jaimini techniques. Look atthe chart through the eyes of sage Parashara and see what the chart reveals to you. Thenlook at the same chart through the eyes of sage Jaimini -- does it tell the same story? Thenyou can be sure it is correct. Does it tell a somewhat different story? Then combine the two.If it tells a completely different story, look deeper -- you will find something you aremissing. This is this secret to powerful, accurate, astonishingly good astrology.
Jaimini Longevity Determination
Another powerful and unique feature of Jaimini astrology is its ability to determine thelifespan of an individual. When giving the reading, it is very important to keep in mind theoverall life's course apparent in the persons chart. What is the use of powerful raja yogasand other fortunate combinations, if the person never lives long enough to benefit fromthem? The ability to discern the span of life alotted to an individual is known as ayurdaya --computation of longevityThis calculation will help to determine the general span of life: short, middle, or long. Thiscalculation is never to be taken by itself, but is to be used in combination with other factors.Take these three sets:
1) Lord of Ascendant + Lord of 8
2) Ascendant + Moon
3) Ascendant + Hora Ascendant
Apply them to the following table:
Term of Lifeif signs are:or signs are:LifespanAlpayu (short)C, DS, S< 32Madhyayu (middle)C, SD, D< 64Purnayu (long)C, CD, S> 64Where C = Chara (Moveable, Cardinal) = Aries, Cancer, Libra, CapricornS = Sthira (Fixed) = Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, AquariusD = Dwiswabhava (Common, Mutable) = Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, PiscesAny result found in 2 or 3 outcomes is correct. If all three are different, differ to theAscendant + Hora. Exception: When the Moon is in the Lagna or 7
, then use the Asc +Moon method.As time goes on, the information on this Jaimini astrology page will grow.
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Maharshi Jaimini, gran erudito y maestro védico, es a quien se le atribuye la obra “Upadesa Sutras”, fundando así una escuela astrológica que en el presente recibe la denominación de Jaimini Jyotish identificándosela con su mentor. El único tratado que deja, o por lo menos al que podemos acceder, se divide en cuatro capítulos, los cuales se subdividen en cuatro padas (partes o cuartos). De todos ellos los dos primeros capítulos han sido los mas populares, recibiendo ulteriormente mas comentarios por diversos tratadistas.
Actualmente en India una minoría de astrólogos practica este estilo de astrología ya que, en general, es concebida por algunos como un complemento de la Parashari Jyotish. De hecho, ha quedado prácticamente comprobado que varios de los capítulos del “Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra” que tratan sobre temas específicos de la Jaimini Jyotish fueron agregados no hace mucho tiempo. Respecto a esta situación hay opiniones divididas, mientras algunos plantean que esta escuela está destinada a complementar la obra de Parashara y que por ello debería integrarse a la primera, para que ésta potencie su poder predictivo, otros entre los cuales mayoritariamente encontramos a especialistas en Jaimini Jyotish, sostienen que si se mezclan ciertos elementos se produce un caos interpretativo y, eventualmente, tal afán de complementariedad podría desvirtuar ambas perspectivas.
Si la datación histórica de Parashara es nebulosa, la de Jaimini lo es aún mas. Pero de lo que no cabe duda es de que éste es posterior, precisamente como se ha dicho, por haberse advertido agregados al tratado del primero con bastante posterioridad. Esto es confirmado también por la aparición de elementos de la Jaimini Jyotish en el ecléctico tratado Uttara Kalamrita (siglo XVII), atribuído a Kalidasa, así como en el Jataka Tattva (1871) de Mahadeva.
Entre los comentaristas mas destacados de Jaimini encontramos a Krishna Mishra (1050-1070) con la obra Phala Ratnamala, situado en el tiempo por algunos como probable contemporáneo de su inspirador o bien de quien haya sido muy posiblemente el compilador de los “Upadesa Sutras” utilizando el seudónimo de Jaimini. Le sigue inmediatamente su hijo Somanath Mishra con su tratado Kalpalatha, completando y amplificando la obra de su padre, siendo ambos referentes insustituibles en esta tradición. Con posterioridad, en otro plano de relevancia, se destaca Neelakantha (siglo XVII) como el mas citado entre sus contemporáneos, influyendo en el autor del ya citado Uttara Kalamrita. En el mismo siglo, como contemporáneos o bien con cercana posterioridad a éste encontramos a Gottimukkula Raghava Batta y Nrisimha Suri con sus respectivos tratados Jataka Sara Sangarha y Sutrartha Prakasika que, pese a ser ciertamente mas ortodoxos que Neelakantha, presentan a su vez tópicos y criterios originales y enriquecedores quedando en evidencia, sin lugar a dudas, un parampara (tradición por filiación iniciatica) vivo de esta corriente. Lugo, mas cercanos a nuestro tiempo como herederos intelectuales de esta tradición aparecen Swami Bala Krishnananda, Venkateswara, Kesava Daivajna, Achyutananda Jha, Sitaram Jha y, ya en el siglo XX, el Pandit B. Suryanarain Rao.
Amerita ser señalado que dentro de la Jaimini Jyotish coexisten dos tendencias, las cuales adoptan distintos referentes clásicos de la antigüedad que han comentado, explicado y hasta amplificado a Jaimini. En este sentido, actualmente como ejemplo de esto podemos mencionar por un lado a Sriman Iranganti Rangacharya, traductor y comentador de Jaimini Sutramritam con mas de 40 años de experiencia en la materia, cuya postura es ignorar completamente tanto los “agregados tardíos” de esta corriente que se adicionaron a la obra de Parashara como a los tratadistas relativamente “recientes” como Neelakantha. Sus principales referentes son los mas antiguos: Krishna Mishra y Somanath Mishra. Por otra parte, se destaca la figura de Sanjay Rath, también traductor y estudioso de la obra de Jaimini que, si bien entiende el sistema Jaimini como alternativo o complementario al de Parashara, abreva eclécticamente tanto en éste como en Neelakantha y otros.
© 2010 Arq. Pablo M. Mauro
Reservados todos los derechos
El "Modulo Introductorio a la Astrología Védica", dictado regularmente desde el año 2002
, tiene por objetivo brindar un panorama general sobre los principales elementos que componen la tradicional Jyotisha Shastra, estando destinado especialmente a quienes no cuentan con conocimientos previos de astrología, así como a aquellos que sí los poseen y desean acercarse por vez primera a esta modalidad de abordar la astralidad.
Y NAKSHATRAS (Moradas Lunares).
RASI CHAKRA (Carta Natal)
y NAVAMSA (Carta D-9).
KARAKAS (Significadores).
CHANDRA LAGNA (Ascendente Lunar).
DASAS (Cualificación temporal).
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